First Timer BLUE Dream


Well-Known Member
apprecitate the comments, but no more bad luck bucket grows for me.

took a new pic of her yesterday. the weather in No Cal has been nice this week _̅_̅_̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅_̅()ڪ*ے~~~~


Well-Known Member
About a buck and change. I had a few laying around and bought about 14 I think from home depot. It was less than twenty $.


Well-Known Member
I got an XJ-13 clone today that I'm throwing outside (the clone tender said they do well outdoors and yield quick). I also picked up a WhiteFire Og clone to grow indoors.



Well-Known Member
took some pics after a watering. she's really spreading out after I topped it last week. I may have to move some of my veggies out of the way.

here is an XJ-13 clone I threw out a couple weeks ago. I need to get this in the ground soon.


Well-Known Member
update: pics taken 8-8-12
Blue Dream - Startin to flower now. I gave it a light dose of bloom nutes last week. Up until then, only fish tank water.

dream8-91.jpgdream8-92.jpgstem8-9.jpgsome of the fan leaves have yellowed and purpled. maybe reaction to nutes? purple8-9.jpg

XJ-13 - put out in early July, The main stem at bottom of plant snapped from strong winds a few weeks back. I taped it up and it has recovered, but stunted big time.


Well-Known Member
Bluedream....... wish this was a scratch n sniff!

had this last year but let her get too airy... but she was soooo nice..


Active Member
Im probably tripping but I swear I can see one if not more caterpillar eggs in Pic #2?? You spraying BT or anything?? If not, I highly recommend it, especially in Nor-Cal!


Well-Known Member
Im probably tripping but I swear I can see one if not more caterpillar eggs in Pic #2?? You spraying BT or anything?? If not, I highly recommend it, especially in Nor-Cal!
I hope not. Are bud spots a prime spot for laying eggs? and what color are they?
I have not sprayed anything on my plants, only some snail killer around the perimiter. I do have some pests munching around my veggies in the garden. thanks for the tip! I'm planning to clean her up and treat her this weekend.


Well-Known Member
update: pics taken 8-8-12
Blue Dream - Startin to flower now. I gave it a light dose of bloom nutes last week. Up until then, only fish tank water.

View attachment 2288454View attachment 2288455View attachment 2288456some of the fan leaves have yellowed and purpled. maybe reaction to nutes? View attachment 2288459

XJ-13 - put out in early July, The main stem at bottom of plant snapped from strong winds a few weeks back. I taped it up and it has recovered, but stunted big time.
View attachment 2288465View attachment 2288466
She might need some phosphorus (possibly N). You might give her another light feeding (something with mostly P, but some N & K as well) and a shot of Earth Juice Microblast to be sure she has her micronutrients. There is some lightening of the leaves that may indicate a minor deficiency.


Active Member
I hope not. Are bud spots a prime spot for laying eggs? and what color are they?
I have not sprayed anything on my plants, only some snail killer around the perimiter. I do have some pests munching around my veggies in the garden. thanks for the tip! I'm planning to clean her up and treat her this weekend.

Yes, it seems that once plants start flowering and buds appear, so do the eggs/caterpillars. The good news is with some preventative maintenance you can keep it under control. Last year was bad in the bay area. Almost everyone I knew that was growing outddoors were dealing with them. From what I've read on here, spraying early and getting a routine down, you shouldn't have too much of an issue. I've been spraying once a week (best time is either sunrise or sunset). Once your girls start packing on the weight and the buds mature, it's probably best to spray at sunrise rather than sunset in order to prevent any type of mold that might grow from moist overnight conditions in/on the buds. I use a product by Safer, its called Caterpillar Killer and contains a chemical called BT. The bottle says it safe to use up to the day of harvest. Be aware, from what I've heard, it only kills Caterpillars and isn't good for any other type of pest control. Growing outdoors, I highly recommend that you get the proper products to control pest and get a routine down. They can ruin all of your hard work come harvest time if left ignored. Good luck!!