First Timer DIY 2400w Flood and Drain


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. I recently posted my design ideas and a bit of a build in the grow room design section. !!!

Now its time to start showing off what I have got underway.

Keep in mind this is my first grow besides 3 sad stretched out clones I threw in my backyard a couple of years ago.

So every single idea here came from the brain trust here at RIU! (Ive spent at least a hundred hours reading in the last 2 months)

A little update on the Setup...

Its a Flood and drain bucket style grow with a timed flood of 30 seconds every 2 hours (currently trying hourly floods)

Bagseed (by my estimation 4 different strains)
The plants have been runnin 24/0 are heavily Topped, Fimmed, Supercropped, LST'd and are going to be scrogged hard as well.

Im hoping for a solid Canopy 40" x 120" with hundreds of tight buds
Basic Equipment:
1400w MH Aircooled
1000w HPS Aircooled
10Gal Rubbermaids
50Gal Res (30Gal Capacity)
DNF 2 part nutes
IGS 110 Climate controller
5000 BTU A/C
Lots of Fans (lots)
For more details check out the build thread. (Its getting updated soon. lots has changed)

I am aware there are light bleaching and nutrient imbalance signs abound but I've worked through most of my hiccups and what you're seeing is just the leavins.

Feel Free to offer constructive criticism at will!

Enjoy the Show!

Without any further ado...



Well-Known Member
Well i thought somebody may give a shit and stroke my ego a little or cut me down a notch or two but I guess my setup is lacking in the "something to talk about" department. I figured someone would pipe in with "5lbs from 4 bagseed in an unproven system by a noob is pure shit." But due to the underwhelming feedback ill just have to go ahead and assume its all gonna work. Mayhaps ill hit and then eclipse my 1gpw hopes.


Active Member
Well i thought somebody may give a shit and stroke my ego a little or cut me down a notch or two but I guess my setup is lacking in the "something to talk about" department. I figured someone would pipe in with "5lbs from 4 bagseed in an unproven system by a noob is pure shit." But due to the underwhelming feedback ill just have to go ahead and assume its all gonna work. Mayhaps ill hit and then eclipse my 1gpw hopes.
hahaha this made me laugh.

It looks like you know what you're doing I wouldn't worry at all. Those little bushes look awesome! How long did you wait before topping and at what node?

I'll be following along don't be discouraged from posting!


Well-Known Member
very nice results, even with the extreme topping.
have you ever tried topping them as seedlings after the second node? also gives you 4 colas but you cut off less(less wasted growth?)
anyways + rep for awsome plants. flowering any?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback Fellas. I was away for a few days and it seems like I finally got a little attention :p (and not to diminish anyone else's station but I'm more than happy to have you along for the ride Hellraizer)

I've got lots more pics to post and updates to make after a week of explosive growth.

The plants were Vegged for I believe (Don't have my log beside me) about 16 days before I cut down to just above the second true node. (or 3rd on some)

Uncle Buds Topping thread clearly states that letting the plants build a good root mass prior to topping helps the plant survive the trauma of topping. We're not on a tight time schedule with this grow and the 4 or 5 days of Veg growth I could have salvaged by cutting earlier wouldn't have allowed the roots to be as well built as they were. I knew I was going to be training hard so I wanted the best base possible.

I laid the main branches down and started training right away. They resemble little ribcages that keep needing spreading...

Agatha never got topped at all she started out with 3 main branches and a little clump of mutie branches (which I clipped off). I've just been training her and did a little topping on the lower nodes as I needed them to fill in space.

They are starting to resemble little seas of green in each of the tubs. Which I guess, is in essence exactly what I was trying to do.
Except I've been Vegging for 33 days or so and will continue to veg until they grow about 22" vertically now that I've got them trained to all four corners of the buckets.

Im curious...

Why haven't I seen anyone else attempt to train a plant like this?

Or if they have please point me to them...

Ill spend a couple hours workin on pics and hopefully get an update up tonight!


Well-Known Member
Ive noticed a definite increase in odour in my room and I thought I should investigate a little closer...


Ok. Now thats outta the way.

I do believe (in my finite wisdom) that I have 3 girls and a boy!!!!

Aggie's Bits

Beatrix's Bits

Clem's Bits

Delilah's Bits

Looks to me like Beatrix is a MAN! man!