First Timer DIY 2400w Flood and Drain


Well-Known Member
Apparently the post from demonematt is gone... The response from superstoner is still there though. So, I know it did happen and I'm not crazy lol


Well-Known Member
i was just trying to help and didnt even notice who it was, or care even. i will refrain from any further helpful posts here. sorry.


Well-Known Member
you mean had it been helpful to you, nothing would have been said. the guy posted about his temp and rh, i commented trying to advise not caring who posted it. if you had just chilled out it would have been two post, now it what, 20? pull your panties out and untwist them a bit. try spreading the love and knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Come on Super, you can't take a little good natured ribbing? Only one of us has a panty problem my friend and it ain't me ;) The smiley winkin at you was an indication that I was just buggin ya. Read between the lines and lighten the fuck up or stay out of my thread.


Well-Known Member
Confused how? Lst, supercropping, topping, fimming, Scrog.. I wanted a 10 x 4 canopy and I did all i could to accomplish it!


Well-Known Member
Wtf just happened? Spreading knowledge wasnt the point at all. I didn't take issue with that. My issue was with the response to what was an obvious mispost.
Had superstoner taken the time read mattedemons post in its entirety he would have realized it wasn't even intended for my thread.
It had no relevance what so ever and I was just giving superstoner a hard time about it.

Y'all are letting Friday the 13th get to ya...


Well-Known Member
Come on Super, you can't take a little good natured ribbing? Only one of us has a panty problem my friend and it ain't me ;) The smiley winkin at you was an indication that I was just buggin ya. Read between the lines and lighten the fuck up or stay out of my thread.
SS doesnt play around. He is a beast in what he has done for the community
Well i thought somebody may give a shit and stroke my ego a little or cut me down a notch or two but I guess my setup is lacking in the "something to talk about" department. I figured someone would pipe in with "5lbs from 4 bagseed in an unproven system by a noob is pure shit." But due to the underwhelming feedback ill just have to go ahead and assume its all gonna work. Mayhaps ill hit and then eclipse my 1gpw hopes. bad...i wish i woulda seen this sooner...that's sweet!