Active Member
Figure I'd get my feet wet & make my first post a long one so that way when I check later I won't be answering unneccessary questions... I'm strictly looking for feedback and share love of the grow... even negative feedback is good, I live by the idea if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger. Exp is more valuable then gold & gems etc. Woo Woo here we go yall!
and as soon as I can figure out how to upload pics....
Here's my log in the mean time....
Start Date: 10/1/16? 10/23/16 Received Tent
Strains: Bag seed~Girl Scout Cookie (Adult Fem), or possibly... Og Kush, Trainwreck, Blue Cheese
Nutes: Black Magic Potting Soil, Black Magic All Purp.Fert.5-5-5, Blackstrap Molasses, Golden Tree Humbolds Secret 0-0-2.25
Clove & Cassia & Rosemary Doterra Essential Oils, Botanicare Pure Blend Pro bloom 1-4-5. 32x,32x,63x tent (2 of them)
T5 2ft 4-lamp 6500K 10,000 lumens, ok so sue me if my info is innacurate) & 12W Topshelf Led (The newer full spectrum)>>>Which btw worked all the way for the first 2 months of seed/veg on its own!
11/25 Totally f'd up my first time using BM fert. or nutes in general. I poured around base.
Big no-no. Always pour around perimeter of plant growth to ensure the roots are reaching for it.
11/27 Woke up to check babies and noticed a white fuzz looking similiar to morning dew
surrounding the bases of each root stem. I quickly scooped it off and took note that this is where I
had poured the remainder of my sludge from my BM All purp fert. a day and a half prior.
My fiance pointed out that it was white mold. So I googl'd it and came up with a recipe of spraying milk
& blackstrap molasses onto the plants underside and go figure moms had blackstrap molasses ;-P
11/28 Pray & Wait as plants have a little bit of damage spots and dry yellowing on leaves but minimal
is a more accurate word. Just worry about the slightest problems arising is all.
12/1 Added more Bm fert at a way smaller ratio. The plants are also still being foliar sprayed
with blackstrap molasses & h20 1:10.
12/7 Plants are on a 1:2 water schedule (Watered && named suitingly "Cookie, Felt#1, & Sickboy").
12/8 Gave x-tra small amount of fertilizer to plants in orange pots & the twins.
12/10 Smaller Ratio Works... also always fert around perimeter of plant roots.
12/12 R.I.P. 1plant died last night from being mishandled by certain person I wont mention any details. Sad Day.
12/18 White Mold was on top soil this morning, go figure the 1 morning I forgot to till the soil the day
prior. So I tilled and will be observing for any further decay.
12/19 Tomorow night I will start flowering Cookie with a 12/12 schedule,
as for now I fert'd 1 last time and despite my own personal belief I WILL NOT prune. Trying to learn how to prune her so that the upper half gets more nutrients. Also still spraying with Molasses.
12/21 Took Cookie out of the light this morning. After work put back in light, was out of light for a
total of 12-13 hours. Will repeat tommorow.
12/22 Show and tell was told to use 1 cap per gal. of water for the botanicare. Add tommorow.
12/23 Repeat 12/12 light cycle. Added Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom in water pot to Cookie.
12/24 Put Cookie in dark a little late today (5:45) so will have to feed her a little later then normal.
12/25 Merry Christmas! Kept Cookie on 12's and also used left-over Pbp on her so we will see if that
causes any harm. Def will not let stand for a 3rd day as I can see it being a cesspool for bacteria and bugs.Still had quite a bit so gave some to Felt#1. Others need water too but because of how much the Felts took in with the Pbp I decided to wait till tomorow to water as the water evaporating and precipitation in the air will lead to too much moisture overall in the tent.
12/26 Whenever financialy ready get the 2nd tent it will help greatly. All this keeping track and
moving stuff around is tiresome. With a 2nd tent all that energy could be spent tending the plants themselves. Also topped 2 of the girls and pinched a 3rd. "Supercropping" aka HST "High Stress Train'n"
12/27 Cycled 12/12 at midnight to noon. Also gave some more Pbp to Cookie and Felt#1 as I had some still pre-mixed. May have over-watered the 2..
12/28 Watered w/mix of Bm & small amount left over of Pbp on other 4 girls. Also foliar sprayed
with molasses.
12/29 Picked and pruned 3 more leaves off Cookie. Stems turning purple and leave spotting with dryness. Possible Cal-mag def.
12/30 Did a light watering with no nutes just water. Also start killing light on all plants at 9:30pm.
1/1 Happy New Year! What better way to start it off then to put the rest of felts into flowering. Used
a little Bm fert on all the girls and then used a little Pbp on just the felts. All in all they got
a good watering. Threw Cookie into dark a little early this morning (note to self: invest in a timer).
1/3 Got some castille soap so I used 1 tbsp of that with 1 tbsp of veg oil & 1 tbsp of baking soda per
1 gallon of water, did a quick foliar spray of all the girls. Also ordered Cal Mag.
1/4 Gave all 3 felts good watering sprayed with molasses, & cookie gave small amount of Pbp.
1/7 Watered 2 felts + fert/pbp and the 3rd felt gave molasses. Foliar sprayed all the girls w molasses.
Still only putting Cookie in flower half the day, getting the 2nd felt pre-ready w bloom nutes. Going to
try and learn lollipopping and also maybe set up trelis and go with a SOG.
1/8 Couldnt get Cookie out to dark until 11pm (after work) this is not that huge of a deal I dont think,
and also I wanted to get her on a night time dark schedule anyways as its darker at night. Wanted to water w/ cal mag today too but will just have to wait till tommorow.
1/9 Made a foliar spray w 1tsp of cal mag & 1 tsp of castille soap. Also watered w cal mag all except Cookie. Put her out at 9:45pm.
1/10 Used more of the cal mag foliar spray on the babies, mostly Cookie. Quick Update: Still tilling soil on
daily basis,and now Cookie I believe is starting to "pre-flower".
1/11 Misted w some molasses foliar spray. Note for next opp: Get some type of water air-ator. Keep oxygen in water, also look into Co2 sheets and tanks. etc.
1/12 Watered w cal mag all the girls. Speaking of girls, need to find out sex and seperate... these things
tend to misbehave when around the opposite sex ya kno ;-P .
1/13 Did some heavy pruning on Cookie. Took off a couple fan leaves, first real prune so fingers crossed.
1/14 Watered w cal mag all the girls but only did Cookie and Next Felt to flower with Pbp.
1/18 Watered all and foliar sprayed w cal mag. Also started Lst on weakling.
1/19 Put Cookie & added Felt #2 on 12/12 cycle starting last night. So that makes it day 1 and day
1/21 Watered all w Bm fert, all except new seedlings that were planted 3 days ago. and 5 days ago. foliar sprayed w molasses. Also opened up forum acct..... T.B.C. ...
and as soon as I can figure out how to upload pics....
Here's my log in the mean time....
Start Date: 10/1/16? 10/23/16 Received Tent
Strains: Bag seed~Girl Scout Cookie (Adult Fem), or possibly... Og Kush, Trainwreck, Blue Cheese
Nutes: Black Magic Potting Soil, Black Magic All Purp.Fert.5-5-5, Blackstrap Molasses, Golden Tree Humbolds Secret 0-0-2.25
Clove & Cassia & Rosemary Doterra Essential Oils, Botanicare Pure Blend Pro bloom 1-4-5. 32x,32x,63x tent (2 of them)
T5 2ft 4-lamp 6500K 10,000 lumens, ok so sue me if my info is innacurate) & 12W Topshelf Led (The newer full spectrum)>>>Which btw worked all the way for the first 2 months of seed/veg on its own!
11/25 Totally f'd up my first time using BM fert. or nutes in general. I poured around base.
Big no-no. Always pour around perimeter of plant growth to ensure the roots are reaching for it.
11/27 Woke up to check babies and noticed a white fuzz looking similiar to morning dew
surrounding the bases of each root stem. I quickly scooped it off and took note that this is where I
had poured the remainder of my sludge from my BM All purp fert. a day and a half prior.
My fiance pointed out that it was white mold. So I googl'd it and came up with a recipe of spraying milk
& blackstrap molasses onto the plants underside and go figure moms had blackstrap molasses ;-P
11/28 Pray & Wait as plants have a little bit of damage spots and dry yellowing on leaves but minimal
is a more accurate word. Just worry about the slightest problems arising is all.
12/1 Added more Bm fert at a way smaller ratio. The plants are also still being foliar sprayed
with blackstrap molasses & h20 1:10.
12/7 Plants are on a 1:2 water schedule (Watered && named suitingly "Cookie, Felt#1, & Sickboy").
12/8 Gave x-tra small amount of fertilizer to plants in orange pots & the twins.
12/10 Smaller Ratio Works... also always fert around perimeter of plant roots.
12/12 R.I.P. 1plant died last night from being mishandled by certain person I wont mention any details. Sad Day.
12/18 White Mold was on top soil this morning, go figure the 1 morning I forgot to till the soil the day
prior. So I tilled and will be observing for any further decay.
12/19 Tomorow night I will start flowering Cookie with a 12/12 schedule,
as for now I fert'd 1 last time and despite my own personal belief I WILL NOT prune. Trying to learn how to prune her so that the upper half gets more nutrients. Also still spraying with Molasses.
12/21 Took Cookie out of the light this morning. After work put back in light, was out of light for a
total of 12-13 hours. Will repeat tommorow.
12/22 Show and tell was told to use 1 cap per gal. of water for the botanicare. Add tommorow.
12/23 Repeat 12/12 light cycle. Added Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom in water pot to Cookie.
12/24 Put Cookie in dark a little late today (5:45) so will have to feed her a little later then normal.
12/25 Merry Christmas! Kept Cookie on 12's and also used left-over Pbp on her so we will see if that
causes any harm. Def will not let stand for a 3rd day as I can see it being a cesspool for bacteria and bugs.Still had quite a bit so gave some to Felt#1. Others need water too but because of how much the Felts took in with the Pbp I decided to wait till tomorow to water as the water evaporating and precipitation in the air will lead to too much moisture overall in the tent.
12/26 Whenever financialy ready get the 2nd tent it will help greatly. All this keeping track and
moving stuff around is tiresome. With a 2nd tent all that energy could be spent tending the plants themselves. Also topped 2 of the girls and pinched a 3rd. "Supercropping" aka HST "High Stress Train'n"
12/27 Cycled 12/12 at midnight to noon. Also gave some more Pbp to Cookie and Felt#1 as I had some still pre-mixed. May have over-watered the 2..
12/28 Watered w/mix of Bm & small amount left over of Pbp on other 4 girls. Also foliar sprayed
with molasses.
12/29 Picked and pruned 3 more leaves off Cookie. Stems turning purple and leave spotting with dryness. Possible Cal-mag def.
12/30 Did a light watering with no nutes just water. Also start killing light on all plants at 9:30pm.
1/1 Happy New Year! What better way to start it off then to put the rest of felts into flowering. Used
a little Bm fert on all the girls and then used a little Pbp on just the felts. All in all they got
a good watering. Threw Cookie into dark a little early this morning (note to self: invest in a timer).
1/3 Got some castille soap so I used 1 tbsp of that with 1 tbsp of veg oil & 1 tbsp of baking soda per
1 gallon of water, did a quick foliar spray of all the girls. Also ordered Cal Mag.
1/4 Gave all 3 felts good watering sprayed with molasses, & cookie gave small amount of Pbp.
1/7 Watered 2 felts + fert/pbp and the 3rd felt gave molasses. Foliar sprayed all the girls w molasses.

try and learn lollipopping and also maybe set up trelis and go with a SOG.
1/8 Couldnt get Cookie out to dark until 11pm (after work) this is not that huge of a deal I dont think,
and also I wanted to get her on a night time dark schedule anyways as its darker at night. Wanted to water w/ cal mag today too but will just have to wait till tommorow.
1/9 Made a foliar spray w 1tsp of cal mag & 1 tsp of castille soap. Also watered w cal mag all except Cookie. Put her out at 9:45pm.
1/10 Used more of the cal mag foliar spray on the babies, mostly Cookie. Quick Update: Still tilling soil on
daily basis,and now Cookie I believe is starting to "pre-flower".
1/11 Misted w some molasses foliar spray. Note for next opp: Get some type of water air-ator. Keep oxygen in water, also look into Co2 sheets and tanks. etc.
1/12 Watered w cal mag all the girls. Speaking of girls, need to find out sex and seperate... these things
tend to misbehave when around the opposite sex ya kno ;-P .
1/13 Did some heavy pruning on Cookie. Took off a couple fan leaves, first real prune so fingers crossed.
1/14 Watered w cal mag all the girls but only did Cookie and Next Felt to flower with Pbp.
1/18 Watered all and foliar sprayed w cal mag. Also started Lst on weakling.
1/19 Put Cookie & added Felt #2 on 12/12 cycle starting last night. So that makes it day 1 and day
1/21 Watered all w Bm fert, all except new seedlings that were planted 3 days ago. and 5 days ago. foliar sprayed w molasses. Also opened up forum acct..... T.B.C. ...