First Timer Grow Log w. pics (Golden Tree)~ Tent


Active Member
Figure I'd get my feet wet & make my first post a long one so that way when I check later I won't be answering unneccessary questions... I'm strictly looking for feedback and share love of the grow... even negative feedback is good, I live by the idea if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger. Exp is more valuable then gold & gems etc. Woo Woo here we go yall!

and as soon as I can figure out how to upload pics....

Here's my log in the mean time....
Start Date: 10/1/16? 10/23/16 Received Tent
Strains: Bag seed~Girl Scout Cookie (Adult Fem), or possibly... Og Kush, Trainwreck, Blue Cheese
Nutes: Black Magic Potting Soil, Black Magic All Purp.Fert.5-5-5, Blackstrap Molasses, Golden Tree Humbolds Secret 0-0-2.25
Clove & Cassia & Rosemary Doterra Essential Oils, Botanicare Pure Blend Pro bloom 1-4-5. 32x,32x,63x tent (2 of them)
T5 2ft 4-lamp 6500K 10,000 lumens, ok so sue me if my info is innacurate) & 12W Topshelf Led (The newer full spectrum)>>>Which btw worked all the way for the first 2 months of seed/veg on its own!

11/25 Totally f'd up my first time using BM fert. or nutes in general. I poured around base.
Big no-no. Always pour around perimeter of plant growth to ensure the roots are reaching for it.
11/27 Woke up to check babies and noticed a white fuzz looking similiar to morning dew
surrounding the bases of each root stem. I quickly scooped it off and took note that this is where I
had poured the remainder of my sludge from my BM All purp fert. a day and a half prior.
My fiance pointed out that it was white mold. So I googl'd it and came up with a recipe of spraying milk
& blackstrap molasses onto the plants underside and go figure moms had blackstrap molasses ;-P
11/28 Pray & Wait as plants have a little bit of damage spots and dry yellowing on leaves but minimal
is a more accurate word. Just worry about the slightest problems arising is all.
12/1 Added more Bm fert at a way smaller ratio. The plants are also still being foliar sprayed
with blackstrap molasses & h20 1:10.
12/7 Plants are on a 1:2 water schedule (Watered && named suitingly "Cookie, Felt#1, & Sickboy").
12/8 Gave x-tra small amount of fertilizer to plants in orange pots & the twins.
12/10 Smaller Ratio Works... also always fert around perimeter of plant roots.
12/12 R.I.P. 1plant died last night from being mishandled by certain person I wont mention any details. Sad Day.
12/18 White Mold was on top soil this morning, go figure the 1 morning I forgot to till the soil the day
prior. So I tilled and will be observing for any further decay.
12/19 Tomorow night I will start flowering Cookie with a 12/12 schedule,
as for now I fert'd 1 last time and despite my own personal belief I WILL NOT prune. Trying to learn how to prune her so that the upper half gets more nutrients. Also still spraying with Molasses.
12/21 Took Cookie out of the light this morning. After work put back in light, was out of light for a
total of 12-13 hours. Will repeat tommorow.
12/22 Show and tell was told to use 1 cap per gal. of water for the botanicare. Add tommorow.
12/23 Repeat 12/12 light cycle. Added Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom in water pot to Cookie.
12/24 Put Cookie in dark a little late today (5:45) so will have to feed her a little later then normal.
12/25 Merry Christmas! Kept Cookie on 12's and also used left-over Pbp on her so we will see if that
causes any harm. Def will not let stand for a 3rd day as I can see it being a cesspool for bacteria and bugs.Still had quite a bit so gave some to Felt#1. Others need water too but because of how much the Felts took in with the Pbp I decided to wait till tomorow to water as the water evaporating and precipitation in the air will lead to too much moisture overall in the tent.
12/26 Whenever financialy ready get the 2nd tent it will help greatly. All this keeping track and
moving stuff around is tiresome. With a 2nd tent all that energy could be spent tending the plants themselves. Also topped 2 of the girls and pinched a 3rd. "Supercropping" aka HST "High Stress Train'n"
12/27 Cycled 12/12 at midnight to noon. Also gave some more Pbp to Cookie and Felt#1 as I had some still pre-mixed. May have over-watered the 2..
12/28 Watered w/mix of Bm & small amount left over of Pbp on other 4 girls. Also foliar sprayed
with molasses.
12/29 Picked and pruned 3 more leaves off Cookie. Stems turning purple and leave spotting with dryness. Possible Cal-mag def.
12/30 Did a light watering with no nutes just water. Also start killing light on all plants at 9:30pm.
1/1 Happy New Year! What better way to start it off then to put the rest of felts into flowering. Used
a little Bm fert on all the girls and then used a little Pbp on just the felts. All in all they got
a good watering. Threw Cookie into dark a little early this morning (note to self: invest in a timer).
1/3 Got some castille soap so I used 1 tbsp of that with 1 tbsp of veg oil & 1 tbsp of baking soda per
1 gallon of water, did a quick foliar spray of all the girls. Also ordered Cal Mag.
1/4 Gave all 3 felts good watering sprayed with molasses, & cookie gave small amount of Pbp.
1/7 Watered 2 felts + fert/pbp and the 3rd felt gave molasses. Foliar sprayed all the girls w molasses.
;-) Still only putting Cookie in flower half the day, getting the 2nd felt pre-ready w bloom nutes. Going to
try and learn lollipopping and also maybe set up trelis and go with a SOG.
1/8 Couldnt get Cookie out to dark until 11pm (after work) this is not that huge of a deal I dont think,
and also I wanted to get her on a night time dark schedule anyways as its darker at night. Wanted to water w/ cal mag today too but will just have to wait till tommorow.
1/9 Made a foliar spray w 1tsp of cal mag & 1 tsp of castille soap. Also watered w cal mag all except Cookie. Put her out at 9:45pm.
1/10 Used more of the cal mag foliar spray on the babies, mostly Cookie. Quick Update: Still tilling soil on
daily basis,and now Cookie I believe is starting to "pre-flower".
1/11 Misted w some molasses foliar spray. Note for next opp: Get some type of water air-ator. Keep oxygen in water, also look into Co2 sheets and tanks. etc.
1/12 Watered w cal mag all the girls. Speaking of girls, need to find out sex and seperate... these things
tend to misbehave when around the opposite sex ya kno ;-P .
1/13 Did some heavy pruning on Cookie. Took off a couple fan leaves, first real prune so fingers crossed.
1/14 Watered w cal mag all the girls but only did Cookie and Next Felt to flower with Pbp.
1/18 Watered all and foliar sprayed w cal mag. Also started Lst on weakling.
1/19 Put Cookie & added Felt #2 on 12/12 cycle starting last night. So that makes it day 1 and day
1/21 Watered all w Bm fert, all except new seedlings that were planted 3 days ago. and 5 days ago. foliar sprayed w molasses. Also opened up forum acct..... T.B.C. ...
~Revival~ (Read On for Part 2.)
1/30 For the last 3 days have been letting the plants sit in the dark as they were abruptly transplanted and are officially code red status. Prayers needed fellas.
1/31 Pruned for second time in last 3 days w Jess, watered w cal mag the 3 solo cups and also the biggest struggler who was being lst trained. Also tilled soil on all and stuck back in the light added 1 cfl bulb (lol I kno).
2/4 Watered all w small amount of fert. Watered w molasses as well. T5 should be on its way :-D .
2/5 Tilled soil and added a cup of worm castings last night. Tonight I experimented by foliar spraying w 3ml of cal mag felt in the back and small black pot. Just a test to see because the stem was purpling on the felt.
2/6 T5 is officially in business ;-)
2/8 I havent noticed much difference since adding the new light, although there are some chance new growth sites and on some of them I noticed a little yellow/drying plus stems were real dry tonight. Maybe too much nutes? I chopped the top off the non-felt and we shall see if that does anything as it was on its last limb.
2/9 All seedlings in blue cups are looking like they have some type of yellowing on the pearlite in the soil...
possible mold? Maybe thats why the new seedlings still havent started. I think I'm going to trash them and start over.That will clear up some much needed space in the tent. Kept the light off from 11:45pm-8am so about '16/8 schedule' is what I'm running for 3rd night now. Don't know though I might adjust that depending on what these things do show they like.
2/11 Returned to 24 on, slowly comin back to life.
2/17 Getting Greener :-)
2/22 While I was doing my usual daily ritual of plant yoga'my strength must have been too much for them because I ended up breaking her right down the middle of the stalk. I used a homemade wooden stint and I also used some honey inside the stint and taped it shut around the plant bending it back together with bamboo. Watered w cal mag 3ml and plain water.
2/24 Watered plants with cal mag 3ml and plain water. Foliar sprayed w molasses, castille soap, kelp pill. They are drinking alot and enjoyed the worm castings.
2/26 Its been a few days now since fim and I am seeing some results as in the leaves around where I cut are really growing out. Not much coming from the fim cut area yet.
2/27 I started an lst with the pot that I fim'd and we shall see how that goes, also at night foliar sprayed w some worm castings that were picked up today :-). Also addded some to the fim pot. Ps we have 2 new baby seedlings ;-p.
2/28 Planted 4 more seedlings alongside 2 tomatoes hehe, we shall see how my fruit growing skills really are, I was told by an OG that I need practice. Heh.. well see. Challenge Accepted. So I amended the soil with worm castings and Bm dirt (Ordered some Ocean Forest Fox Farm so I'm really ancy along with some Humboldts best secret Golden Tree) So now I have
an OG Kush/Blue Cheese, a CBD Crit. Mass, & another Girlscout Cookie. Now only if I could get some skills at organizing and compiling data. Did a short co2 video that might get some laughs as well.
3/1 Received Golden Tree. Added about 3ml. 3ml of Cal mag too. Wait and see. Also added small clip fan was dissapointed because I thought was supposed to be oscillating but I really like the clip so I dont know might just call company.
3/2 Golden Tree 4 the win! Plants are looking great, the one I fimmed is starting to stack up and looks beautiful. The one that broke down the middle still has her stint on and is looking huge! So I watered the seedlings.
3/3 Watered w plain water and 3 more mls of golden tree. Girls are looking great. Also trimmed a few leaves.
3/5 Watered w 3 mls golden tree 2 mls of cal mag.
3/7 Watered w 3 mls golden tree 2 mls of cal mag. Broke another stem so splinted it like the first. Exactly like the first... Good ol rough fingers mcgee. Removed duct tape from first one, looks healed but has some white dryed crystally matter where the honey was.
3/9 Watered w 3mls golden tree 3mls of cal mag and about 3-5mls of pure blend pro bloom. Maybe too much? We shall see.
3/11 Watered w 3mls cal mag and about 3-5mls of pure blend pro bloom. Noticing some dying leaves inside of the plant..
Maybe she is getting too bushy and needs to be lollipopped. Read that this is best to do on day of transfer. Ordered 2nd tent for flower.
3/12 Foliar sprayed w 3mls of golden tree & 1ml of castille oil to stick.
3/13 Watered w 4mls cal mag 1-3tsps of Bm fert 3mls of pure blend pro bloom. Too heavy? I hope not.. but I also did a little supercropping to the tops and to spread more growth into the lower branches. Started Lollipopping as I figure the flower tent will come anyday now and they are getting tall!
3/14 Watered w 4mls cal mag and over a gallon of water. Received 2nd tent so going to throw them into flower. 3rd try is a charm.
DAY 1: PUT IN DARK TENT @ 4:30pm to 8:00am.
3/15 LIGHT TENT @ 8:00am
DAY 2: PUT IN DARK TENT @ 4:00pm
3/16 LIGHT TENT @ 8:30am
DAY 3: PUT IN DARK TENT @ 4:30pm
3/17/17 Watered w 4mls cal mag 3mls of golden tree 1-2mls Pure Blend Pro Bloom & worm casting tea that was set out overnight. Used a little over a gal of water total.
DAY 4: PUT IN DARK TENT @ 4:00pm (Jess Did)
3/18 LIGHT TENT @ 6:30am (Lost Track, Need TIMER!)
DAY 5: PUT IN DARK TENT @ 4:00pm Topped the noob crit. mass for 1st time. Also thinking of how 3/19 LIGHT TENT @ 4:00am
Nitrogen question was answered and that apparently as you go further into flower less n will ne needed and more p & k.
DAY 6: PUT IN DARK TENT @ 4:00pm
3/20 LIGHT TENT @ 5:00am
PUT IN DARK TENT @ 5:00pm Put tent up w trellis and rearranged and basically made an entirely new setup. Tucked plants best I could under new trellis. Never installed 1, for future reference be delicate as I snapped mine and had to nig-rig it. Also watered w 4mls cal mag & 5mls molasses est. What do I do w noob plants? Will they 12/12 flower this early on? Also w/ the trellis I just keep doing a teqhnique called supercropping which is pinching and bending the taller plants over to fill in more bushy growth.
DAY 7: PUT IN DARK TENT @ 5:00pm
3/21 LIGHT TENT @ 5:20am Wow plants are really growing like its going out of style. These babies are green!.. Trellis is
all set up and also took lst pipe cleaners off to free the branches for this begining of flower growth spurt.

Gulp... Fingers Crossed I hope it works^^ the other site I was on was posting all pics sideways so can't be much worse haha. Btw trellis and pic as of this morning ;-p


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Does this look like its hermy'n?... start of 2nd week flower this is the 1 i had lst'd... funky 3leaf pattern
Not a hermie, it's revegged. That means basically your light cycle was inconsistent or interrupted. It started to bud (lights 12/12) then somehow ended up getting increased light hours. It'll throw some funky looking leaves for a couple weeks. It won't hurt anything just adds some time to the grow.
Hey man, just wanted to say those are some beautiful and healthy plants. From what I'm seeing so far, everything looks great and it looks like you're well on your way to a fruitful harvest.

The only thing I could suggest is a fan of some sort to help with air in the room. You want the plants to have fresh co2 as often as possible, and eventually you'll want an oscillating fan when those babies start throwing out huge buds.

Keep at it, can't wait to see your results :)
Hey man, just wanted to say those are some beautiful and healthy plants. From what I'm seeing so far, everything looks great and it looks like you're well on your way to a fruitful harvest.

The only thing I could suggest is a fan of some sort to help with air in the room. You want the plants to have fresh co2 as often as possible, and eventually you'll want an oscillating fan when those babies start throwing out huge buds.

Keep at it, can't wait to see your results :)