first timer growing some Sour Diesel


Hi there. I'm a first time grower and I wanted some feed back,tips,ideas and what ever You all can throw at me. I am growing sour diesel. Started them from really healthy teens. They were cloned then t5'd for about a week then took a week under metal halides then were given to me and flipped to 12/12. I'm growing in a coco perlite mix with quite a bit of perlite.their in a 4x8 sunhut under 2 1k watt hps Lights. 8" xtrasun hoods. I'm feeding them full strength nutes and always have. No burn but a Tad curl(I assumed it was humidity because it was spiking at 70% so I put iN a dehu and now it stays at 30%) but I haven't had any since or any problems. Nutes are cutting edge micro bloom grow. Cal mag. Pro tekt. And Aqua safe. I feed water feed water.about two to three days a part so I feed about once a week. I also water with phed water(tap) and clearex. They are three and a half weeks into flower I just wanted to make sure they are looking how they are supposed to be looking and if any one could give Me any tips . Also I'm doing 9 per light so I was wondering how many tops I should keep and how many to prune and how many leaves to prune. Thanks every one!



New Member
They look great! a little stretched but otherwise healthy. You may want to move the lights closer and when you can, add more for that big of a grow. That wil end your stretching woes. Good job +rep


I was afraid to move them closet in fear of them burning But ill try that! And also I had One light off so I could take picture without lines. And what should I add more of? Thanks for the reply!!


New Member
I ws saying add more lights when you can. If you lower the lghts and put your hand at the tops, when your hand gets uncomfortably warm, park the lights there. Probably about 18" or so.


I dropped the light today and took off the glass, the temp spiked to 83. sheesh. I'm trying to keep it as cool as possible to slow the stretch.