First Timer.. How does it look? Pics


Well-Known Member
looking great in form and stature .... looks to me to be a little starved of food maybe? have you been adding any nutrients to your water or in some other fashion. Very nice plant but might benefit from some additional food. Walk on!!~


Active Member
I agree with the guys above- get some vegetative nutrients, shell out $20 for a pH kit (do this! do not water your plant if you don't know its pH level) and that girl should be looking green and healthy.

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
Saying that we use baby bio as this has all the stuff a plant needs til you feed properly i have found this is great for starting the babies off looking very well few yellow leaves but they will fall off good luck with your grow be sure to check mine itsgonna be a big yeilder sweet widdow

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
hey buddy hows things going with your grow im 3 weeks in to flower now im roughly 5 ft tall and nice and bushy not long now this time round were going big i think i have finally cracked it i thought my first grow was good cant wait for this one much bigger and better they look proper healthy. if you need help with yours please ask il be glad to help thanks widdow