First Timer! Is this good Weed?


Well-Known Member
no you didnt get ripped off its just a 10 sack of low quality weed. But if you roll a blunt and smoke all of that you will be very high nomatter what anyone says... it is plenty have fun :)


Well-Known Member
Hey long as it gets you high man.

Since if its your first time toking, dirt or not it will get you tore up hopefully.

I buy dirt to hold me over on grows when time runs short, its cheap thats why.

Hell for all we know it might look like dirt, but be the bomb ass shit we all want. I've seen plenty of baggies I would question but since the guy I get it from and I test it first lol we know if its worth the time or not.


New Member
Wow...Looks like u got some high quality DIRT ass weed LOL.

Dont worry about it though, it happens to the best of us when u start out. Its best to start from the bottom when u first start smoking though. The first couple of times I bought weed I dont even remember if that shit was weed, it was worse then the stuff u got lol. Then like my 4th time buying I got some high quality stuff and it blew my mind away. If thats even weed then just smoke it and it should get u high, u can upgrade to the good stuff later on when u master the dirt weed and it doesnt affect u much anymore.

A little hint: When u are buying check the weed first, it should have a distinct smell. It should also be in a nugget or bud and green for the most part. If it has some multicolored hairs like red or purple then u know its some high quality stuff. And if it smells like a skunk u know its good weed.

Morning Star

Active Member
yeah, you got some dirt weed there man, but don't feel to bad, i mean it's your first time and you had no way of knowing, unless someone told you to buy it and that is was good, then you should beat there ass, jk. like everyone else is saying it'll get you high as fuck the smart money says that damn near everyone on this forum has smoked their fair share of bammer. i know i have.

Mr Kush

Active Member
Damn, looks like it's been hacked to death!

This post is a classic example on how easy it is for dealers to rip off newbies with shit I wouldn't pay a couple of dollars for. Man, I'd have to be in a really desparate need of weed to smoke that shit.

If you're puffing on that, imagine how much fun you're going to have when you start hitting the good stuff. Since you've just started you probably only care about getting high at the moment. I know I didn't care much for taste and quality of the bud until I started becoming a regular user. Have fun with what ever the fuck kind of weed that's meant to resemble but don't get yourself ripped off for cash you could be spending on some good smoke.

You need to find a homie who knows his shit to help you out.


Well-Known Member
you sure those aint mushrooms :D ??????

rofl.......... Thats like a big portion of mushi's ^^ lol mushroooommssssss... i am gona get some tonight :)

bye bye


Well-Known Member
Bottom drawer Mexican. May get you buzzed, but not a good example, if indeed it's your cherry popper. Don't plan the future based on this low-grade strain of cannabis.
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Well-Known Member
Pencil shavings! That's it . . . couldn't think of that for the life of me . . . weed like this usually tastes/burns like pencil shavings.


Well-Known Member
Basically, that's ditch weed. Although it will get you stoned it won't be the best high... Look in a High Times magazine to get a decent idea of what REALLY good buds look like.

Basically you want to look for the following:

Weed has TONS of different smells ranging from VERY potent to kinda smelly. The basic smells are a piney scent, a skunky scent, and a fruity scent. Look for the bud that smells a lot. If it has a potent smell it generally means it's atleast some beasters (commercial weed. It's decent but not the best)

-You don't want a bunch of little plant matter that looks like it just fell off the stem (this is called shake). You want buds or nuggets.
-Look for buds that look like they are covered in crystals. These are the resin heads (the majority of where the THC is stored).
-Make sure it's green or purple-ish. Green buds generally mean they were recently harvested and cured and are delicious to smoke. Brown buds a.k.a. 'brown frown' is shitty bud that sucks. Don't ever buy brown frown.
-Try to buy buds that are fluffy and not compressed. Compressed weed is generally stuff that was grown quick, packaged quick, and sold quick. It generally sucks altogether but I have VERY occasionally got a hold of some nice condensed bud.
-NO SEEDS! If the weed you're buying has a lot of seeds in it then it's not going to be good quality. This is because seeds are produced when a male plant pollinates a female plant. When that happens the female plant stops producing THC and starts to make seeds. Occasionally when a plant is about to be harvested it will try to produce seeds when it thinks it is going to die but VERY few or next to none are produced.

If I forgot anything add to the list.


Well-Known Member
I never knew my stuff until I relocated.....there are soo many @$$es and morons out there.....

I remember the first time I had smoke some.....problem was I had no idea what the hell I was doing I trusted these so called "friends".....everything went blurry....i started to hear loud-as-hell beeping (exactly like hearing a heart monitor).....the sound of people screaming.....

...........the end result......I was immobile, and stuck in the fetal position for several hours......

....what really got me is how those morons revealed to me what they had put in my weed......coke, meth, and PCP.....those goofs laced a bowl with windex too.....

......the moral of the story here bud is this: If you have decent friends, you'll be doing fine....but IF your friends' are the type to ask: "Wanna smoke Javex (bleach)?".....stay far away....

Just my .02



Well-Known Member
yeah that herb sucks but if its his first time hell probably get mad lifted well unless he is one of those peope who dont get high thier first time

i mean unless you live somewhere its legal or have a friend on dead tour or something your probably not gonna find headies for your first bag its gonna be ghetto schwag