First timer just curious about a few things

Some people say you shouldn't use dirt from your yard, but I did because it's good Georgia dirt and my plants are great! I'll post pics soon but anyways my plants are now in their vegetative stage I guess and now on my bigger plant I see white pistils, I knew they were female before but I'm just wondering are these future bud sights and how much longer till I harvest. I'm growing with a lights of America flourescent cool white tube and two other regular flourescent spiral bulbs. Will have pics soon!


Active Member
People usually don't do that b/c lots of little bugs live in soil outside.
Soil in stores is nice fresh and free of bugs=]

Alarm Clock

Well-Known Member
Any nodes you see where there are white hairs forming, have the potential to grow a stem or cluster of buds. The plant will actually grow and have spots on it that don't even exist yet. You'll know the bud sites, because they will be the spots that have bud on them. She would probably like it if you gave her more light. Don't worry about harvesting until you see and know where and what the buds are.