First timer just for fun



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Hey folks, been reading through the sites on growing for quite a while now and decided im gonna go ahead and expirement a bit. I've just recently kept a male just for the hell of it as a house plant. It got pretty big just growing out of dirt without any nutes and just a desk lamp and window sunlight. But what im writing this for is because i plan on using nothing but organic materials that i find lying around (blood,urine,compost,ect)for this grow. Its been about 2 weeks since my babies sprouted from the dirt and so far so good. I know most will say dont feed your plants until so and so weeks old but mine seem to be getting along pretty well. Since I planted them I've watered them every few days with a water/blood/eggshell /urine mix that ive had sitting in the fridge and hasnt seemed to hurt anything yet so i plan on continuing until i can sex them and split them up. Just wanted to throw a heads up out there for anyone interested in the madness im creating and to keep everyone informed on wether or not human by products will work as food.

no fecal matter will be used,just urine and blood from myself and some things i find round the house like eggshells old plants and stuff like that.

at the moment its a mix of 3 powdered eggshells in a tall glass of water thats set for a few days with maybe 10 drops of blood mixed into it and about a qurter cup of urine. It's getting watered every 3-4 days with this until i up the amounts of ingredients (and find a less painful way to harvest blood)when the plants get a bit bigger. just wanted to let everyone know what i was getting into and see if theres any questions comments or criticism.
ill throw some pics of the seedlings up and keep it all documented here to let you guys know how its going.

They are about 3 inches up out of the dirt now.

your stoner buddy,

the baby on the left is the one ive been giving my mixture to. The one on the right has just been getting water.


Well-Known Member
And your blood is coming from where? Do not tell the 911 operator any of this. Too fing weird. People if you ever needed a reason to grow your own . . . ..


Active Member
"no fecal matter will be used,just urine and blood from myself and some things i find round the house like eggshells old plants and stuff like that".

Dude how f'd up are you???


Active Member
Uhhhh...Hmmmm...Well I...hmmm...unusual for sure but... hmmm...

Oh fuck it, I don't know what to say about this one...Best of luck and +REP for originality.


That's really interesting, you should paint yourself green and film yourself feeding your plant with your bloods and piss. You could make big money on youtube, it sure would become a viral video.


Well-Known Member
"Phlegm (
/ˈflɛm/; Greek: φλέγμα "inflammation, humour caused by heat") is a liquid secreted by the mucous membranes of mammalians. Its definition is limited to the mucus produced by the respiratory system, excluding that from the nasal passages, and particularly that which is expelled by coughing (sputum). Phlegm is in essence a water-based gel consisting of glycoproteins, immunoglobulins, lipids and other substances. Its composition varies depending on climate, genetics, and state of the immune system. Its color can vary from transparent to pale or dark yellow and green, from light to dark brown, and even to dark grey depending on the constituents."

There ya go. Water based. Proteins, immunoglobulins, lipids. His plants deserve the best.


quick question,, anyone know if throwing some ashes in the dirt would be beneficial at all? i got a huge fire pit out back and a whole bunch of spare wood to burn if so.


I hypothesis that the ammonia in your urine burns the root system pretty soon.

As for adding ash..

Yes and no. (Always no if any type of fuel or wood preservative was used on the wood.)
Ashes from fireplaces and wood burning stoves are a good source of potassium and a lesser source of phosphorus and some micro-nutrients, depending on the type of wood burned. So if your soil has a potassium deficiency, wood ashes can be a good amendment.
However, they can also be a source of heavy metals that you don't necessarily want in your garden. And they contain a good percentage, about 25%, calcium carbonate, an ingredient in garden lime. If your soil is very acidic (5.5 of lower), wood ash can improve and raise your PH.

So in short, ash is good as long as you don't use too much and be very careful that the PH doesn't raise higher than what is recommended for your plant.
But then again, I'm not sure how much you care about your PH if you're pissing and bleeding all over it. With eggshells.


This is a joke huh... lol this shits to funny piss and blood goin into the plant i hope you dont plan on smokin it the picture you would get.. (Read06 voice) "ah man im ready to smoke this bud that i pissed and bled in... AAAAAAAAAAAGH throwup.. dude get some fuckin store bought organic nutes or just dont use em that shits gross.. but if u continue goodluck! :)


Just a little update on the franken babies. one stopped growing all together so i put it outside and in a matter of minutes the nieghborhood cat came and ate it (least someone got a use out of it). as for the other one she is looking pretty spiffy,i took the advice on one of the stickies to replant the stretched stem and she looks gorgoues =). Shes growing mighty slow compared to the first few days but i just assume its because of the dirt being so hard and ph is prolly off.But im running to wallyworld tonight so i can grab up another light and a soil ph test kit. BTW dont know if its a good deal or not but compared to some of the 200$ lights ive seen online im assuming i found a goldmine. At walmart near me i found a 24 inch flourescent grow light for 10.97. the description on it says its specicaly designed to put out certain lights to increase plant growth energy (red&blue maybe dont recall?) but either way its a 2foot florescent for 10 bucks and it comes with a mounting kit, so what the hell more light means better in my book. Ill throw some more pics of the closet setup (upgraded froom a cardboard box with a step ladder to hold my one 23 watt cfl i had above it) and my baby up in a few days to show you guys how shes doin.

This Lights of America 24" Fluorescent Grow Light Fixture is specifically designed to provide the perfect color and lighting properties conducive to plant and flower growing. This light stick has a very slim profile, allowing it to be used almost anywhere.
Lights of America 24" Fluorescent Grow Light Fixture:
  • Quick on/off switch
  • 5' plug-in cord set
  • 75W of incandescent equivalent output using only 17W of energy
  • Save 78 percent on your utility bills
  • Color: 4200K
  • Lumens: 1093
  • Dimensions: 2.5"W x 2"D x 28"H
  • Life: 10,000 hours
figure get 1-2 of those and i should be ok right? ive seen ''supposedly successful'' pc grow boxes with 2 cfls and the fan from the pc so i think i should be good, least till i get a little further along with the plant.


one other thing. I read a huge forum last night on another site about growing in 12/12 lighting from day one to produce a shorter grow time and a crazy looking plant (pretty sexy imo). a little imput from someone whos tried and successfully done this would be appreciated.there were quite a few pics and grow logs on the matter but ive just grown fond of this site and figured id bring my questions over here.worst comes to worst weve got a new thread to discuss right? this is not my plant just a pic to show what i meant by a different looking almost looks like 1 huge bud growing from the ground.twelvers.jpg