First timer seeking opinions/advice (pics included)


Stoner, I appreciate ALL your input and if you have any suggestions or are willing to share a formulae for creating my own soil mix, I'm definitely open to them. Also, would you have any suggestions about new seeds? The ones I used for these little babies came from cleaning out some 'bush' I got for personal use so I have no clue what they came from or where they came from obviously.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I get my seeds here >>>, I'm in the states.

...if you want complete control of your medium, and your only option is Lowes, you can make a soilless mix... this is what I have done in the past. They sell all of these products.

1/3 Vermiculite
1/3 perlite
1/3 Sphagnum Peat Moss
...add 1 tbls of rapid release dolomite lime per gallon to your soilless mix.

...these have no fertilizers in them, however, you may have a problem finding the perlite non fertilized, all I found at Lowes was MG perlite, but it worked just fine. will have to add your own fertilizers. (blood meal, bone meal)


Active Member
Those are WAY too tiny to be 5 weeks old.

Here is my outdoor plant at almost 6 weeks:

View attachment 1033106

I would have held off transplanting them until they got better developed.
Did you graze or rip the root ball when trying to transplant? Such an injury could deter growth substantially, assuming it doesn't kill your plant...

On a side note...

Rowan Atkinson makes the worlds UGLIEST baby!
lol i was thinkin the same thing good shot :)


Well-Known Member
Yours are looking really nice! You mentioned earlier about maybe adding nutes despite the fact that I've started with and am still using the MG moisture control potting mix. Since I've never done this before and the fact that the MG soil has the time release fertilizers, any suggestions or recommendations for the nutes and how to mix based on using the MG soil? You mentioned also using Sta-Green with Perlite? I have some Sta-Green granular all purpose plant food mix (12-4-8) which is a kind of old but I don't think that's what you had in mind? Also, where do you get Perlite and should these both be in liguid form? Like I said, I'm really 'green as grass' about all this but I'm willing and wanting to learn. Lastly, and hopefully others will read this too, 1.) should I be checking the PH now and how often 2.) how much water is too much or too little in terms of ounces, cups, etc based on the pot sizes you see in my pics and 3.) if the 'stretching' is due to not enough sunlight and since I can't totally control that should I be considering moving these to an indoor grow? I could do that but I really had hoped to make my first try at this au-natural if possible. Everyone's input so far is MUCH MUCH appreciated and from me to everyone ... THANK YOU!!
I would use something like alska fish fert at 1/4 mix. when you water you should do so slow and fully get about 10% run off then let them dry out real good. our big plants are in a mix of ffof and stay green soil. and high end nutes. I say alaska fiish fert cuz it's hard to burn plants with it. I think a big key to mg soil is not to over water/ water to often. I would think you get good sun at some point. we had a very cold and wet spring in my parts. But the sun is out now and everything is growing fast.


Trichlone, again, thank you for all the useful information and link to the seed supplier in the UK. If I were to travel a ways I would have access to a number of other venues for growing materials other than just Lowes as a source. In that case would there be a better grow mix or soil mix that you would recommend for growing in Florida? Also, I know several posters here have suggested I should not have transplanted so early at 3 weeks from the starter cups to the smaller planting pots they're in now but would transplanting them again in a new mix at this 5-6 week stage be better for them or too risky possibly??


Stumps, thank you for all yoru helpful information also. Where can you typically find this alaska fish fertilizer and when you say "1/4 mix", what are the other ingredients I would be mixing the fish fertilizer with? Also, what exactly does the 'ffof' stand for and the Sta-Green soil, which I believe you mentioned also in an earlier post, is there a specific type/mix by Sta-Green you're recommending such as without fertilizers, etc??


Well-Known Member
you should be able to find the alaska fish fert at Lowes or anyplace that sells garden stuff. The 1/4 mix is just that. follow the directions and cut it down to 1/4 or even 1/2 would be ok. I use molasses, epsons salts and a micro nute additive from dyna grow. the ffof is a fox farm soil. high doller stuff. and the lowes soil is the veg and flower mix. low doller stuff. It is a nuted soil. just make sure you mix any soil with at least 1/3 perlite to help loosen the soil up. I'll be working on the bigger girls today I'll snap a few shots to show off and post on our thread.