First Timer, What am I doing wrong?


Active Member
I hope I am just being overly worried because its my first time growing but I am seeing some less than ideal things in my clones.

Grow Info

Strains: GDP, Blue Dream, and Deadhead OG (clones purchased from local clinic)
Grow Area: Grow tent 36''x20''x60
Temperature: High 75 Low 68
Humidity: 40-60%
Light: T5 2' 4 tube
Tap Water: 150-160 ppm 8.0-8.2ph

All clones were purchased on 3/13 and came in RW cubes. 2 bluedream, 1 GDP, 2 Deadhead OG immediately transplanted into 2 liter pots with a small layer of hydroton at the bottom and a 75/25 Coco/Perlite mix. Clones were fully rooted in the RW when put into the coco pots and fed with 5.8 water. I have noticed slow growth and some off coloring and the GDP's new leaves are twisting.

They became very droopy after the first few days and I did some research and found that I did not flush the coco before putting the clones in. Tested the runnoff PPM at 800 on a .5 scale and ph was almost 7 resulting in this.


I flushed all plants until runoff was of equal PPM as my tap and then flushed again with PH 5.8 water until runoff was 6.0-6.1, It seemed to stop at 6.0 and did not drop any further after continued flushing. I then fed them with a light nute solution about 300 ppm 150 nutes and 150 from the tap. The plants do look perkier but the leaf twisting on the GDP is the same and the coloring looks off on the bluedream and deadhead. I am hand watering the plants.

Deadhead OG:

Almost no growth at all and the most noticeable discoloration.



Grand Daddy has show the most growth but it was also the biggest clone that I got ( I don't know the ages of clones when I got them) The tips of the main leaves had burnt tips when I got it but the new growth is twisting is this normal?

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Blue Dream:

the smallest of the 5 growth has been next to none and the coloring is the palest.


All of these are to become mothers if it matters and are under 20/4 lighting

Newb Questions!

1. My plants are displaying some kind of deficiency but what kind?
2. Am I expecting my plants to grow too fast? I thought I would see more noticeably growth.
3. Will the existing foliage correct itself or will I need to look at new growth to see if any deficiencies still exist?
4. is my tap water at 150ppm and 8.0 ph too crappy for my plants? ( I drink it straight :-? )
5. I am adding ~ 7ml of ph down for every 3 gallons of tap increasing my ppm about 10 is this affecting anything?
6. Nute Strength? since I dont know how old the clones are exactly is 150ppm of nutes ok to start with? should I subtract my tap ppm from my nute ppm?
7. Exactly how much nutrient solution do I use when watering? I am watering every other day and now plan to flush every two weeks at least. flushing is pretty self explanitory but im confused on exactly how much nutrient solution to feed them on their normal feedings every other day? is there a formula of nute to use based on the size of the pot or plant for a drain to waste way of watering?

Cant think of anything else at the moment but that should enough to get a diagnosis from some experienced growers. :joint: PLEASE HELP! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Well the amount of nutes you use really depends on the plant...I mean I won't dump a whole gallon of nutes in a half gallon container...but I water til there is run off out of the bottom of the should see a little run off anytime you water...and make sure to not over water...water when the first few inches of the coco are that dry color..


i'm a noob too, but from what i see it looks like you have been over-fertilizing the plants, i read somewhere on here that you shouldn't feed the plants until they have like 4-6 new sets of full leaves. and the twisting of the GDP leaves is normal, it just means the plant is growing faster then it would in nature, mine do that too but they correct themselves most of the time and if not i wouldn't worry about it too much.


Well-Known Member
so If the plant I am feeding is a heavy feeder, and the nutes I am using calls for 1 tsp/gallon I run a gallon of water and add my 1 tsp of nutes, then I add around 1/8 tsp of pH down to get it right, and then I water til I am out of water...If I am watering a really large plant say a 3-7 gallon pot I will run one gallon of plain water and then the gallon of nutes...or sometimes i will then half the gallon of nutes and fill the remaining space with water, and then water with 1 gallon water, and then both gallons that were double diluted...but if I am watering a few smaller plants that have similar feeding requirements I will again mix the solution for however these particular plants like to feed and then water each pot til runoff or i run out of nute water and if i am finished alright...and if more need watered I just make more no magic this pot needs this much water kinda thing...but in no time you will know how much of everything you need and whatever your plant likes and then you can just sit back and keep letting the awesome happen.


Well-Known Member
And usually twisting of leaves means there is some kind of root issue...if at some point the clone or plant was kept too wet long it can suffer root damage...and a root bound plant will twist their leaves....a bad infestation of fungus gnats can make leaves twist...and sometimes just too much vegetative growth with too few roots...anyway sideways leaf twists always are a root issue...since it is a clone that will just happen sometimes to some plants...some plants are like growing roots and leaves at the same time without issue and then it seems like other plants spend weeks playing catch up after being cloned...they will grow leaves, and then the leaves will curl and it will grow more roots, and then more leaves and then more roots, til it has enough of both to just keep on going all at once...some strains are dumb that way I of my faves to grow and smoke does that all the time...then again it also outgrows pots at an alarming hmmm...whatever...but sideways leaf twists always mean a root issue is at hand...leaves curling up usually means they are too dry or the pH is off, and also leaves curling down are overfert, overwater, or to read your leaves by me...if they are pointing at the floor water less, and when you water use plain water that is the right pH...if they are pointing at the ceiling then raise the light and check your runoff...put out a bucket of water or something...and if the leaves are not discoloredbut turning sideways check your pots and root area...look for anything that is not right in that area...the area


Active Member
i'm a noob too, but from what i see it looks like you have been over-fertilizing the plants, i read somewhere on here that you shouldn't feed the plants until they have like 4-6 new sets of full leaves. and the twisting of the GDP leaves is normal, it just means the plant is growing faster then it would in nature, mine do that too but they correct themselves most of the time and if not i wouldn't worry about it too much.
Not 100% but I think that's for growing from seeds and doesn't apply to clones the same way. If I am over doing with 150 ppm of nutes then that would shock me. remember the burnt tips have been there since i got them and is from the original grower over nuting the mothers the clones same from.

I plan to switch them to larger plants when I feel they have grow into these and dont have a set time frame. how long would it take them to fill these pots?


Active Member
your ph is to high to be doing a hempy grow... try dropping it a little more to about 5.5 to get your runoff at 5.8 or so... hempy grows are just like dwc so you want your ph around 5.8... my tap water is crappy like yours and i have to add 8-9ml of ph down if i add a full dose of nutes to my water and my plants love it... not all plants are the same though... what nutes are you using? and at what strength? i start on 1/4 strength nutes at about 2 weeks and work to full strength when i feel the plants are ready... youll get a feel for it...


Active Member
your ph is to high to be doing a hempy grow... try dropping it a little more to about 5.5 to get your runoff at 5.8 or so... hempy grows are just like dwc so you want your ph around 5.8... my tap water is crappy like yours and i have to add 8-9ml of ph down if i add a full dose of nutes to my water and my plants love it... not all plants are the same though... what nutes are you using? and at what strength? i start on 1/4 strength nutes at about 2 weeks and work to full strength when i feel the plants are ready... youll get a feel for it...
Can you elaborate on "hempy grow" I thought I was doing a drain to waste with coco?? and i heard coco's ideal ph was 5.8-6.0 I hope that's correct. Either way Im using Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro and ProTekt. adding ProTekt at 2.5ml per gallon and Foliage Pro direction say 2-3 tsp and Im using it closer to 1.5-2ml per I only flushed them about 24 hours once I realized i should have flushed before putting the clones in. runoff PH is 6.0-6.1 and ppm of 200 after adding nutes. when flushed with plain water the ppm is 150-160.


Active Member
This chart seems to show that there is no one perfect PH for all nutrient uptake is that correct? it also shows that 5.8 is the most ideal not 5.5 like you suggested.


Active Member
a hempy bucket is exactly what your doing... its a soilless grow... ppl use coco coir, vermiculite, perlite, or a combination of the 3... you also add hydroton, or rocks to the bottom of your pot to create a reservoir and to help with drainage... essentially the roots grow to this reservoir area at the bottom where it essentially drinks up the water and nutes... its the same as growing hydro when you look at it... thats why ph is especially important... if your ph runoff is 6.0-6.1 look at the nutrients your plant isnt taking in... you need to lower your watering ph to about 5.5 and hope that corrects the problem... i also looked up your nutes and your npk is foliage pro 9-3-6 and protekt0-0-3... 2-3 tsp sounds a bit much to be using on younger plants... i use the flora nove grow and bloom... the grow is a 7-4-10 and with my two week old plants they only get about 1/2 tsp per gallon and i increase the amount of nutes each week with 1 tbsp per gallon being the max... too much at once is a bad thing...


Active Member
im not saying 5.5 is the ideal... im only suggesting that you bring it down to better put you in the 5.8 range...


Active Member
a hempy bucket is exactly what your doing... its a soilless grow... ppl use coco coir, vermiculite, perlite, or a combination of the 3... you also add hydroton, or rocks to the bottom of your pot to create a reservoir and to help with drainage... essentially the roots grow to this reservoir area at the bottom where it essentially drinks up the water and nutes... its the same as growing hydro when you look at it... thats why ph is especially important... if your ph runoff is 6.0-6.1 look at the nutrients your plant isnt taking in... you need to lower your watering ph to about 5.5 and hope that corrects the problem... i also looked up your nutes and your npk is foliage pro 9-3-6 and protekt0-0-3... 2-3 tsp sounds a bit much to be using on younger plants... i use the flora nove grow and bloom... the grow is a 7-4-10 and with my two week old plants they only get about 1/2 tsp per gallon and i increase the amount of nutes each week with 1 tbsp per gallon being the max... too much at once is a bad thing...
I appreciate the advice and will look into what my run off should be in coco drain to waste as I see that being the most likely culprit BUT,

1. these are not hempy buckets and using "soilless grow" as a definition for a hempy bucket is pretty generic and can refer to many kinds of grow styles.
2. the recommended feeding on the bottle is 2-3 tsp or 10-15ml per gallon but i went on to say that I am using about 1.5 to 2 ml per gallon which is less than what you are feeding at 2.5 ml per gallon


Active Member
Anyone else know what the ideal runoff for coco is? I am reading some people saying its not worth checking and others saying 6.0 is ideal Just want to be sure I am doing it right.


Active Member
u got them at a club ur growing clones trust me also keep ph at 5.7 u want 5.9 run off as normal for root zone to be slighlty higher than input.2(-.2 being best either way just means plants need were higher on day than next so it ate less n drank more making ur nutes slightly stronger this returns to normal as depends what time of day ur sample was taken) means thier eaten well also u need nutes higher than 200 ur reduseing their food this way not increasing it this is ur problem clones that size were feed at least 400-500 ppm days after gettn first roots ur making plant eat itself right now leading to this state there in FEED THESE GIRLS SOMETHING LOL


Active Member
Ok so your saying they are just being under fed and I should up the nutes? I will give it a shot I was just afraid to burn them.


Active Member
GO SLOW IF U HAD EM AT 200 hit 280 EASY wait 3 days min raise back up 50-75 ppm u cant dump huge amounts in them now but if it was me 500 ppm would be nothing thier good sized than go from 3 day sto detiermine if thier ready for an increase 1-1-1 ratio a balanced nutes is best at this stage until clones harden off few daysheathly growth