First timer


Active Member
Hi this is my VERY first time at growing anything at all, so I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips and what use for a setup. I'm strongly considering an AeroGarden with an adjustable light that can move along with the growth of the plants. Possibly wrap alluinum foil around it. My seeds are Blueberry from an Amsterdam seedbank. The bank said I could maintain them between 2-3 feet. Absolutely any advice would be great and much appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
welcome to the not a hydro guy so I cant help ya..but someone will come along to help im sure...:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hi this is my VERY first time at growing anything at all, so I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips and what use for a setup. I'm strongly considering an AeroGarden with an adjustable light that can move along with the growth of the plants. Possibly wrap alluinum foil around it. My seeds are Blueberry from an Amsterdam seedbank. The bank said I could maintain them between 2-3 feet. Absolutely any advice would be great and much appreciated. Thanks
I am a hydro guy and I think those aerogardens are a waste of money. They're not designed for a plant as large as cannabis. My suggestion would be to build your own system and buy a 400w high intensity discharge light with electronic (switchable) ballast and 1 MH and 1 HPS bulb. Hydro ain't cheap to do properly. Besides the tubs and the lights you'll need good meters(PH & PPM) and nutrients. I've built my own aerotubs for less than $100.00 each and they work phenominal. There are a lot of posts on how to build those tubs and I'd be willing to offer my advise if you want it. I think I've probably built more of them than I can count.
Good Luck!:blsmoke:


Active Member
Thanks for the info. About how big are those? I didn't want anything big and noticeable, but rather small. That's why I was considering an Aerogarden. I figured if I planted just one plant at a time in it I could leave much room for the roots to grow. But if this tub you're talking about is small and easy to build than I could give it a shot. Thanks again and if there's anyone else with some helpful tips I'd be more than happy to hear them.


Well-Known Member
There is lots of info here and on the net about building your own system, something like a DWC in a small tub is very easy to setup and do. You can get away doing hydro cheap if you use CFL's as opposed to the HID that gohydro suggested. There have been VERY promising results achieved with CFL grows, my first grow went amazing and I used a CFL/DWC setup with NO meters. Things can just work out for you, however something like not having proper a PH level can completely devastate your plants.

Do lots of reading on the type of lighting system, and learn about the specrum's of light offered by each (and what is right for the cycle of life your plant is in), and do research on a system to grow it in and you can get everything done for as little as 200$ (CFL).
HID's are far superior, however for the budget grower CFL's are IDEAL.


Well-Known Member
try to find a post labeled hydro DIY.

i have seen some pretty nice setups and there are a few posts from people detailing everything right down to prices.
as far as size, from the ideas i have seen i saw some plastic tubs with covers at local CVS that were 6-8 inches deep and 1.5-2ft long by 1.5ft wide. could hold maybe 4 16ounce plastic keg cups.

thats pretty small. but as i said this question i have seen many times before and there are alot of responses to it already i think members here are getting tired of the newbie questions without the research being done. the info is out there (on this website) but i will admit my searches dont always answer my questions.

personally i am a newbie as well and will try to tell you what i have read so far.

try starting on the very top sections of general marijuana or just jump to the hydro/aeroponics section and read the sticky on aeroponics. should take you a couple of weeks to read them all.


Active Member
Damn son you put in some work lol. Ya know your shit that's for damn sure thanks for your links I appreciate it.