First timers Cooking


New Member
:shock: Hello first time cookers and those that have it down!!! I finally decided to try and make cannabutter. My first batched that I made was peanutbutter cookies. I used a little over an ounce of purple kush, a pound of margarine, and no water i did it the double boiler way. I heard that if you use margarine that it wouldnt be as potent as if you were to use real butter because margarine doesnt have fat in it and wont store the thc. so I cooked it for almost 3 hours. I dont smoke or eat edibles because i am way to paranoid, so My son and his buddie and yes they are over 21 that night ate a cookie each. At first they only ate half each didnt notice anything for about 30 minutes so they ate the other half then all of a sudden they were extremely high. my son said he felt as if he had left his body. his buddie said he hadn't been this high in a long, long, long time. the next day i made another batch of cannabutter but this time I use butter and did it the way where you put the butter and mj in with the water and i made brownies, I cooked it for the same amount of time used the same amount of butter and mj. I noticed i got more of the butter this time. my son who tried the brownies said he was high but not like with the cookies and it wore off sooner. Is it because of mixing it with the water. can someone please tell me what I did wrong. the butter was salted didnt realize that your suppose to use unsalted butter. the mj was ground finer I dont have a grinder so I used a blender to grind it up. the first time when I made it with the margarine i ground it with my hands. can someone give me tips on what could have went wrong.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong here: ..............................Other than the fact that you should not be using your CHILD as a Guinea pig, cook and try this drug on yourself first ....?


New Member
Water often adds a degree of difficulty to making the oil or butter. Water and oil boil at different temperatures, so it is hard to be sure what temperature your oil actually is. Using unsalted vs salted butter has not effected it in my opinion, but i would strongly recommend only using a double broiler method, and keeping the oil or butter separate, and don't add water to it. There also a number of things you can do to increase potency, such as decarboxylating your weed before you put it in the oil, or using an emulsifier such as soy lecithin. Crock pots with temperature settings also work well when working with oil


Well-Known Member
Most recipes will call for unsalted butter so you can control your sodium intake. The salt adds flavor, but also helps preserve the butter. And as joeybags said, def decarb first and use the lecithin. Check out BadKat's thread is the top sticky and will change your life :)