First timer's plan


So This Is some duudes Plan that I've heard of so far.

Some duude is Planning to grow in some duude's closet,fairly spacious. It has a shelf near the ceiling of the closet. HE's Not looking to grow too much since he lives on the main floor with residences living above.

He plans on planting about 4-6 pots. in His closet, using a load of 42watt CFL lights attached to butt load of lamps. Lamps would be on 24/0 all around his pots [ 1-3 lamps per pot]. Flowering stage He'll gradually reduce it to 12/12.

(18/6 4-6 days. 16/8 4-6days , 14/10 4-6 days, 12/12 remaining days of flowering depend on seeds)

He'll be using trays to catch excess water and will be hand watering them.
Not planning on using any other nutrient liquids [ ie N P K , S Ca Mg, Fe Zn Mn B Co Cu Mo Cl ] wont be using them until he fully knows what hes doing.

Be using organic soil mixed with 4 part top soil, 1 part perlite, 1 part peat moss. or mix worm casting, vermiculite, and perlite

He plans on using mini fans on the floor blowing constantly, fanning gently to keep circulation going. Will not be using CO2 tank[ any thoughts], Not sure how well his plants will be, he might try it , might not depends how persuasive you guys are. HE says hes gnna throw in a humidifier since its still wintery-spring right now. Hell just open me window if it gets too humid. Anything above 60% is too humid...Question humidifier stays on 24/7, unless a problem occurs???

He says hes gonna grab a mylar, reflective foil and put it up along His closet walls. Its sort of a 2 door fold opener kind closet so there its not gonna be a good closed room unless he does something about it.

He says he'll be constantly checking for the right temperature, in hiscloset filled with my clothes and plants.

He'll be drying His plants outside late at night with a mini oven, that way it won't stink inside.

hmm if He has missed anything feel free to add lib in using the quote, that way it'll be easier for Him to locate which section its in.

Any Opinions/suggestions on how He will do if He follow my plan? OR does He need a complete turn around???

This Duude im Referring to some duude i knnow better than anyone else.


Active Member
sounds like a plan i dont know why your slowly going into flowering like that.
there should be no problem with 24/0 untill your ready for 12/12


My closet isnt fully closed at the very bottom and top there are 1inch gaps between them and 5 more gaps that are 0.2 mm wide. Most likely ill cover from the inside with reflective foil of some sort.

Where would one purchase this pH monitor, Temp gauge and humid gauge?

Nothign like good old tape to cover up the heating vents and holes, maybe even that special plastic sealer stuff.

IF I buy 2700k lightings and just use a bunch of them to make 6000k light? 3 cfl buulbs per plant--->lamps:1x from the top shining down, 2x on each side good for the plant, or 3 hovering over the plant.

Hmm, I think i read some where that it could shock the growth if i cut from 24/0 to 12/12.

How do i know how much water to feed my plants?
Should i make a log on when i it drys up and when to water?
How would the quality and yield be if i did not follow any nurturing procedures VS just treating it like a regular plant that likes to sun bathe under cfl's

wonder if im suppose to use third person...