Richard Drysift
Well-Known Member
Hey thanks! Well first I get in my boat and sail out off the coast of Peru to an island made of bird shit then I shovel as much as I can carry in a paper sack. Lol naw jus kiddin -you can get Peruvian seabird guano at your local hydro store homes. TLO stands for true living organics- an organic grow style designed by The Rev; author, editor & contributor to Skunk magazine. Check out his book call True Living Organics or read the stickies in the organic section to learn more.How old are they and what where do you get seabird guano? What's TLO? I'm learning. I'm a noob. I started a thread Manure and Mariuana 2015 and someone directed me to an organics thread which had this thread. Yours is the first of many that I opened and read. It had a catchy titleAnyway, any new info you can provide would be great. It would go nicely in the thread I just mentioned. Nice plants!
I have grown mj using synthetic nutes like FF for years & can tell you that weed grown naturally using only soil amendments, worm castings, and clean water is much more flavorful than if you use chelated synthetic nutrients but then again ya gotta start somewhere. I didn't know until I did some research that the main difference between using nutes & organics is the preservation of microbial life which feeds all plants naturally. Nutrients feed plants directly whereas organic compounds must first be broken down by microbes for plants to use. Synthetic nutes kill off the microlife which forces the grower to keep on using them or end up with deficiencies which is fine. The plants do not care -they just want food- it's just some growers like me no longer wish to line the pockets of nutrient companies & prefer to use organic amendments to achieve the same end with better results.