First try at Fimming / Topping.... Looking for Advise / Comments

:?:Fim04.jpgFim01.jpgFim02.jpgFim03.jpg First try at Fimming / Topping ..Just want confirmation I am doing this correctly..So many readers here know what they are doing and I want to make sure I am on the right track...One plant was done 48 hours ago one done about 8
hours ago.....Thanks in advance Rick :lol::leaf:


Well-Known Member
First try at Fimming / Topping ..Just want confirmation I am doing this correctly..So many readers here know what they are doing and I want to make sure I am on the right track...One plant was done 48 hours ago one done about 8
hours ago.....Thanks in advance Rick :lol::leaf:
Honestly, it's pretty hard to mess up. If you're trying to fin and you cut to much off, all you've done is turned it into a topping.
Honestly, it's pretty hard to mess up. If you're trying to fin and you cut to much off, all you've done is turned it into a topping.
Every one on here has pretty much said cut 80% off ...I used Uncle Bens info..He has a ton of threads here and seems to know what he is taking about...After a few days it look like it may just work..Thanks for advise...Rick
From the pics you will have many new shoots in a week or so. Nice
It has been 72 hours since I cut the first one and so far it is looking pretty good..I have done 3 more that I cut slightly less off this time around and even the one from 48 hours ago I can see positive results....The next comment below the advise was not to cut off so much....Which is what I did to the next ones..The only difference that I can see from the first one to the last 3 it takes a little less time to grow when I leave a little more....Thank you very much... Rick

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My goal was extra bud's...I have a 48 Wide x 96 Long x 96 in Height Grow room I built in my Garage out of 1/2 R-Max Foil Boards < Total cost less than $100 > so, I can deal with almost any height..I have seen a few photos on Roll It Up of plants that they did Fimming to and the extra Cola's were fantastic...Like most growers I am trying to Maximize my yield... .I am growing Whitewidow, Kaya Gold and a few other single strains that were the Freebies that Attitude sent with order..I have 10 more Whitewidow Feminized that are 10 days old under a CFL's ...T-5's - 48" x 8 Bulb 52 Watts = 432 Watts and my first grow room 24'' x 48'' x 60"...When I ordered I had a grow room I just mentioned that was 60" in height so height was a concern at first and WW & KG were plants that had approx 24" to 48'' range in height ...In veg. stage they are under a 400 Watt MH light and have built the room so I can add another 400 watt when the time is ready..400 watts seems to cover 48" X 48" area...Any advise would be greatly appreciated... I am new to indoor grows so all and any advise is very helpful to me.....Thanks again for your first reply.....Rick
P.S. I also have bought the Bush Master product to use right before flowering stage to try on some of my plants...

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That is what I am hoping for more cola's like your plant...I only did the Fim on 4 out of 10 or so that have enough growth to try it on...I did first one Monday and it looks good so far....If all goes well I will do all of them by next week....I also just read up on the airpots about two hours ago ...Like you I would like to experiment two plants side by side to see the difference....I will be reading your posts to see how you do and what you think of them...You seem to have cloning down pretty good....Another procedure that seems to be easy enough yet, I read so many people have a poor rate of survival....Once I have a female plant large enough I am going to try to clone a few myself...This forum and people like your self can help a first time indoor growers like myself.. I have grown for 5 + years outside with very little effort...I used to plant 30 or so from seeds in my back yard that I got from a friend that collects seeds for me from his unknown skunk weed he buys to sell..20 or so make it and the 10 that are female I replant in 5 gal home depot buckets... I give them a few time released nutes a little water and here in S.W. Florida it grows with little or no up keep with the year round Sunshine but, it has been only ave. grade weed at best...Now I want to grow the great stuff I can really enjoy!! So far it seems to be not as difficult as I expected and I am having a blast doing it and watching them grow..I do spend time with them almost every day..I cannot wait to I go to 12/12...Thanks again for everything..Rick