First Underground Growing Attempt

I have been planning and aquiring materials for my underground grow and i would appreciate any advice on this subject. I plan on only growing 2-3 plants using flourecents and leds. At this time i plan on growing in dirt unless my brother can fabricate a hydro system(i have no hydro experience). My main reason for underground growing is that my property is in direct exposure to crop dusters. I dont know what they're dropping but it messed my garden(just vegetables) up pretty bad, so i assume its pretty hardcore stuff.Other than that i just dont want my few plants i will grow to be stolen or confiscated. I plan on using a 5ft wide by 8-10ft long area with a depth of 6ft.It will be located under a older structure on my property and i have no concerns about any IR imaging being able to pick it up. I plan on usin plywood for the walls and thicker boards for the plan is to dig a trench of the afore mentioned specs(maybe deeper) then covering the trench with boards,then covering those top boards with about a foot and a half to 2 feet of soil. Im no idiot about framing structures so im not worried about any cave-ins. Im am however worried about potential flooding, and what a horrble mess it would make of my lights and other electricities. i would appreciate any advice on this subject. Im also mulling over growing one plant in a 55 gallon drum. All of the plant its self in the drum not just using the drum as a pot. Im very good at keeping plants small with many nodes and at shaping the plants.ive even got a couple bonsais that have knotted stems.The knotted bonsais are just an experiment to see what happens when there is no longer an open space in the knot.Anyway im looking foward to any advice or tips or warnings especially concerning flooding.


Well-Known Member
They make automatic sump pumps for basement flooding. Maybe make a raised floor out of old wood pallets?
Crop dusters usualy spay feilds with insectacides. Yikes!
Make sure to have GCFI for the power cord so if it gets wet it cant shock you, an keep cords up high.

Walls made of dirt? They colapse an kill people even with wooden frams be carefull. OHSA says you got to use steel wall braces for a reason.

Are you going to dig this by hand?


Well-Known Member
Checkout this guys vertical SCROG grow.

Also I would love to see a pot plant tied in a not during flowering.............
First off i love the idea of raising the floor a bit with palletes, as i have plenty at my disposal and just never thought of it.kudos:clap:.Good to have a buffer zone of safety from the any small flooding. I also kinda knew that the sump pump would probably be what i need for any substantial flooding issues.I guess i was hoping for a way around paying for a new pump. I haven't bought one in a few years, but that last time i did, it wasn't a cheap purchase.But i know with the rain in my area being so heavy the last few years, that it would be a wise purchase.As for the inner framing im definately not going to cut corners on that.The safety of myself and my plants is paramount.I plan on reinforcing the hell out of things. Im just using a shovel and hoe to do this and even though it seems a little slow going im about half done with the actual trench. I've had to stop for a while as the ground is frozen in my area now and that slows digging down to nothing. im still at the planning stage for how exactly i plan to wire my lights because i can get a really good deal on red leds and i would love to have them added to the setup for flowering. I had thought of covering the walls with the leds but as they are not high intensity leds like crees i plan to wire the plants up like christmas trees.I know i wont even get close to using all 2000 leds on three plants but ill damn sure add all that the plants can manage,with proper reinforcement of course. Im usin fat stocky indicas and ive already started training them like guatamalean fighting dogs. On an unrelated note ive been contemplating different ways of grafting plants to see the effects.I have two experiments i plan on trying:First i plan on grafting three plants together.Then after the grafts take and they are fully grown together, i will remove the heads of two of the plants leaving one main stem with the root systems of three.Transversely, the second experiment would intail the same grafting of three plants into one but i after the grafts take i would remove the root systems of the other two plants.I predict that in experiment 1 that the extra root systems would allow much more nutrients to be taken from soil hopefully resulting in a main cola of massive proportions.i dont know if the added ability to uptake more nutrients for growing will cause an increase in growth, but i cant imagine why it wouldnt. I predict that the second experiment will show slight underdevelopement of the three main colas mostly because of the lack of roots,ie insufficient nutrient uptake. im hoping these initial tests will pave the way for eventually finding a sweet spot of how many roots systems of a certain size are needed for a plant with atleast three main colas that develop more they normally should.i think that if the experiments go as expected that a plant with 3 heads and 5 root systems would fit right into that sweet spot. this is all hypothetical and merely speculation on my part. Advice from anyone that has more grafting experience with cannabis than i have would be appreciated.With all that said, i would like to propose to any grafters the idea of t-patching sprouting buds of several different kinds of indica on a single theory it would make a supercropped plant with a variety flavors (depending on the scions used). Well i look forward to any feedback on these ideas of mine and hope my run-on sentences are legible.ive been told my writing is similiar to an old man's ramblings.