First week - clones dying

Hey all,

First post about my first grow....i am using the grow caddy as found at holds 9 plants, each within their own plant site...a week ago i got 9 OG Kush clones for the dispensary and put them into this hydro system. Everything looked good, but i started noticing some browning of the leaves which has now become leaves that curl up and look dead...i had been running light 24/7 using two 90watt LED lights that came with the system, im pretty sure that i fried them with too much light, is there any way to save them? some plants still look good, but im worried that it may be too late, for the past couple of days i've scaled the light down to 18 hrs a day hoping that will help...any comments/ideas are appreciated..i'll try to post some pics tonight, unfortunately all i have is my crappy phone camera


Well-Known Member
Any pics you can provide will help. Remove any plants that you can identify as dead and cover their spot. Will look for your photos in a bit.


Active Member
fresh clones show signs of death on the lower leafs on up because it is using the nutrients needed from them to stay alive to root.. the theory is if it is still green it is alive.

just let them sit in the hydroponics and give the water some root hormones and the roots should just take off. just give them time..
fresh clones show signs of death on the lower leafs on up because it is using the nutrients needed from them to stay alive to root.. the theory is if it is still green it is alive.

just let them sit in the hydroponics and give the water some root hormones and the roots should just take off. just give them time..
Thanks! that gives me some hope! So was it a good idea to cut the light down to 18-20 hrs/day from 24/7? Now im wondering if i should have left everything as it was and just waited for the roots to grab hold more? I'm such a rookie, thanks for the help :weed:

I also raised the lights away from the plants quite a bit, they were right on top of the plants, now i've moved them a couple of feet above...also i stopped using CO2 are pics of where the lights were and where i moved them up to...i'm sure i've made every mistake in the book...thanks in advance for any further help, this forum is amazing! :clap:
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I've given them some Voodoo juice to help get the roots going, some of them have great roots, others not so so confused by it all, the plants seem like they are hurting, but the roots look like they are coming along, any help/ideas?