How about some more advice ,get rid of the style pot you have it looks like one you buy for indoor plants ? go to a hydro store and get a 3.5 black standard pot ,next stick with ffof i use it all the time ,next get rid of the meter that will fuck you up ,go by weight ,when you water drench in to a saucer and notice how much runoff you get if it is not much the plant will suck up the remander if to much pour that out you will learn over time how much to water /feed and not have to pour out run off. next as far as nutes go my self i use a tea mixture easy step process dont have to worry what to use and how much NEVER have had great luck with it go look at the page and use the calculator should be cheap for one plant you mix 5 gals at a time stays good for 6 months so Happy Farming ,Cajun