FirstGrow 3X600w, 40 Bucket Ebb and Flow


Active Member

So Here is what i have running, specs and all, tell me what you think, design flaws, etc..

3-600W Air Cooled in 8" Hoods, w/ out refelectors
Im @ 1100 PPM right now
PH is 6.1
Temp is 75F
Strains, are P-KUsh, and G-Daddy Purp..
Growing in Rockwhool cubes, submerged in Hydroton balls. W/ A 40 Bucket Ebb and Flow system watering them twice a day..
Co2 tank, goes on every 45 mins in 15 min spurt..



Active Member
Those pics should work in my post no?

This is all in/out, of a 9X5 GROW HUT, and the nutes im using are 3 part..Cutting Edge Solutions, i doubt they are top of the line, but they will do..

I really feel that i dont have enough light, what do u guys think?


Well-Known Member
srry bro they werent there when i posted ... 3x600s should work well but 1 more wont hurt any..set up looks good...


Active Member
tell me what you think,
ok, I will:)...turn your lights 90*. This will give you three 3x5' light footprints with the most efficient use of a horizontal bulb in your 5x9' space. If you wanna get technical...a light mover would blow your mind in there. Turn the lights as suggested and then move the lights 12-18" across the 5' span.
The bucket size is overkill for that plant spacing...but you'll be fine (depends).


Active Member
Ok, so turn them sideways? And get a light mover, to move them up and back, across the 5, *front to back* what do you mean about bucket size is overkill? Please be specific, i really appreicate the tech help.


Well-Known Member
HEY CREEPER..didnt get ur message right away srry...i dont think u need another light ..i think 600watts cover a 3x3/ area well so if u turn them like willis said it can help with not only ur foot print but ur cooling of the hoods because theres no bends in the ducting....


Active Member
No point using the PM system for general tech Q's Creeper. Not my style. I figure threads exist for the general readership to possibly get some useful info from. So I'll respond here :beer:

IMO...Ya, turn the reflectors so the ducting is inline.
In most cases did hang them correctly for max cross lighting between the bulbs. But being "only" 600' need to get light across the 5' span.
A 4th light would be intense, and a tight fit. Cuz you'd then want to keep the reflectors the same direction they are now, but two side by side...not sure if you'd have the clearance for the duct elbows.

Because of the light penetration of 600's and the plant density you've selected, a 2-3gal bucket would suffice. Nothing to worry about because you're running ebb/flow...was just sayin, a waste of rock and extra rez capacity requirements, that's all :)

From the stage that plant density(and assuming proper care/environment)...2wks veg is the minimum and max 4wks(only if you're topping them)


Active Member
OK..Thanks..I tried moving them side by side, however they are longer than the buckets are length wise..I am getting another light tmrw.

I have an AC unit in the room, and its set to trip at 80F, the room does not get this hot. It curently stays @ 75, and i think i can keep it within 80, if i shrink up the sagging ducting, and improve streamline airflow. I appreciate that angle*

I am going to top these plants..god 4 WK's Veg it is..Then 8 Wks Flowering? For a 3 month harvest, right?
I want to cut this in half, is it possible, to veg only under T5's? Then switch to HPS flowering chamber? If so, how?

Only other materials i have is an Large capacity cloner..

Thanks, i've been working on this blueprint for a while, i thought i could get massive results with proper daily care, and the EBB and flow..although what would be a good-optimum yeild for a setup of this size..?



I don't think you need a light mover, but I agree you should turn your lights sideways, definitely. First thing I noticed actually. I dig how you color coded your buckets. Never thought to do that.


Well-Known Member
Sick setup, what kind of environmental control are you using so that you don't waste the Co2? Is your intake passive? How are the Reflectors ducted, open on one end or sealed throughout the Hydro Hut? Would love top see more pics and detailed.


Active Member

I really appreciate the input, please keep posting..

I have no form of CO2 controll, this is something that i must get yes? I have alot of fans going, so i figure i need to get a timer for them, have them all turn off when the lights go off, and then the co2, comes on @ a certain level??? Thats going to cost me, is there a cheaper alternative untill i can do this?

I have attached pictures of how the air intake flows, here in my Tent. Please Note that the AC takes in air from the room, when it goes on, and pumps it out throgh the back of the tent..
I have a 6" fan suckin in air, pointing twords the ground, as i figure cold air sinks, and the end of my last light is open, so it sucks air from the room, into the lights and out through the top, into the heating of my house, *NO HEATING, AC COOLS THE TENT, AND HEATS MY HOUSE*yippeee...i thought that was a blessing..



Well-Known Member
Love the freakin detail to explain everything in Pic. no way to be confused now. I have never used Co2 so I'm far from knowledgeable, but as far as my understanding goes if your running an open end on your reflector you will be wasting the majority of you Co2 unless you have an atmosphiric control that turns off exhaust fan when Co2 is being produced, or vice versa.

Man once you get that shit dialed in you will be a proud man.


Well-Known Member
Creeper! Impressive..

So without the A/C it stays around 75*..

That is with a passive intake? How big of a fan pushing through the ducts??

I'm setting up 2 600w in a room I just built (8x4) and im wondering how my temps are going to be without AC.

Keep up the good work!!

Edit!! Sorry!! I didn't even read the 2nd page!! Now that is cool! :D


Active Member
I really appreciate the love, i opened threads in other forums, and then deleted my accounts because people werent responding, i thought thats what forums were for!

NOTE* Yea, Without AC and the 8" FAN sucking through the lights, and the open end, it stays at 75, roughly, i cant be sure i didnt stay in there all day and see if the AC went on..but i think its good... I am going to add another light!

I would like a max turnaround time, Does anyone have any thoughts as to Veg'ing in a supercloner under 1 1000w light, 50 plants in a 160 site cloner. Pick out the best 40.. Would this shave off time on my second harvest, say every 2 months i could harvest, at same capacity? because of veg'in in the superclones is same as the first few weeks of veg in the tent??

Anyone have any sugestions as how i could maximize my yeild/time, example, every 3 months, should i just Veg, and flower in this tent, i would like 3+LBs, i have 40 plants, is this possible!?

Hit me plzzzzzzzz...