
gigi manga

New Member
Hi, I have bought 12 days ago 30 seed of weed (20 super skunk and 10 white widow) I planted them into pellets (pic below), but only a few of them emerged. I have to mention that they were at 30-35 degrees celsius at first, with no light. Then I put them into big pots (pic below). I'm a total beginer and I have only read some info about seeding. I have 10 bulb lights (6400k), 2 fan blower Thinking that 12 days have already passed, is there a solution for the rest to grow healthy? What else can I do to improve my future yeld beside being here :) Many thanks and happy growing to you all!



Well-Known Member
Usually I germinate my seeds using the paper towel method. This way I know for sure if there will be any bad seeds or not.

Once the seeds show their tap root just take it and put it in one of those coco pellets and into some soil. Water lightly and occasionally till she pops up.


Well-Known Member
Paper towel method is safest when paying so much for seeds. It's the best method in my opinion. If seeds were free I'd probably still use this method. just have to be gentle with them.

If they haven't popped by now they probably will not. I'd take at least some of them out of the soil and place them in a damp paper towel and place the towel inside of a plastic container or plastic bag and keep in dark for 48 hours. Then check on them.. Damp, does not mean very wet. It just means moist.

Why plant so many seeds? Is this just your veg room and you are going to have a 10 x 10 flower room? You should start with two plants and grow them all the way through flower. Then try four.

Also, I see you are using peat pots. They're not the best for starting seeds. I think they stay too wet. I haven't had much success with them. After the seed sprouts then they are ok as long as you adjust PH. One more thing is that my Super Skunk seeds were difficult to sprout. I'm not sure why. I think I killed two out of 5 which is rare. I have two super skunk going and they are doing fine although they look completely different. I'm not too stoked with these seeds. I'd say they're just ok.