Fishing and hunting


Well-Known Member
stumps, shit , its my dad (52)that seems 2 kick my ass when we go togather ,and hes not really a fisher man.


Well-Known Member
I love hunting for caribou and bear hunting i feel that tracking something that can track you puts more game into the hunt


Well-Known Member
i really like salmon fishing in lake michigan tho. i've caught over 1500fish all 30lb+ up there. which i happen to b proud of.

i had to get a bigger smoker. it can smoke 15 racks of ribs.


Well-Known Member
ya i love goin out on the air boat finding a nice bass hole every once in a while , although there is noting like an elk. dont see to many in the south west florida too much


Well-Known Member
i just got a fat 1/8 of some shit my dude calls snow buds thay r fluff with white hairs all over it,had 2 pay 80 $ for it, but is good shit, got it 4 my fishing tomorrow.


New Member
I'm only a pond fisherman, but I like chillness of it all. As far as hunting, I remember having to bird for my dad and my uncles when i was small. They were too drunk to make it from the car to the pheasent or quail.


east coast striped bass fishing is the best. we use 6wt-9wt. fly rods last year i gaught a 25lb striper damn thing took a shrimp fly that was about an inch long.
i'm thinkin what the hell does a 45 inch fish see in this fly.
i'll post a pic when i track it down.
in july the stripers lay low and we do some trout fishing in a local river this usually tides me over untill the stripers come back from migrating north in sept-oct just about harvest time.
its strange how nature is tied together plants, moon,tides,animals


Well-Known Member
last year my brother and i were hunting elk. it was the end of the season and we were in the kill anything that moves mode... we were sitting on a beautifull peak cliff looking over what couldve been easily hundreds of miles of untouched nature. 11 head run down the middle pasture with a spike nestled in the middle. whilst them running across the tree line, a white owl with about a 4 foot wing span flew right nxt to them and then towards us, it was so elegant... a half hour later we broke out our sandwitchs. 2 hrs later we were in the same spot and out of food. we killed 4 grouse and ate them right there. we left the spot and radioed for a pickup(28 miles from camp). we decided to just walk the road towards camp until we saw some lights. about 300 meters from where we had gotten on the road, my brother saw a cougar walking 10 ft alongside me. he literally shit his pants, froze and and stuttered the words," big,babababbig cat". keep in mind were in the woods in the dead of night no light except a keychain flahlight. my reaction to this was to call bullshit. i walked straight to were he said he saw the cat, to my demise there the fuck he was. his head tucked into his shoulders, ready to attack. i fired one round out my ot six, and he pounced off. at the same time i shot i saw a distant campire explode into sparks, in lew of protecting ourselves i almost shot somebody with a high powered rifle., i love hunting, but after that i will never aim and fire in the dark again, im just gonna fire in tha air.