Ah so there is a fishing thread, i love fishing even more than growing, the uk has quite a limited species compared to across the pond.
Salmon and sea trout are my favourite types of fishing, salmon fishing takes me to some beautiful places and a fresh salmon can be amazing sport.
Sea trout is a night time venture, i absolutely love fishing through the night and seeing the sun coming up, sea trout are also hard fighting fish with savage takes... Awesome!
Brown trout keep me occupied when I there's no salmon or sea trout fishing to be done either through time or lack of fish, during the hot spells in the summer and during the winter I fish for stocked rainbow trout and pike.
All in I'm quite successful, i don't subscribe to its about getting out for me it's about catching fish whatever the target species, however each to there own that's just me.
The club water...

It was a poor day...

1st salmon landed this year, I'd fished and fished lost 4 over the space of 10 days I eventually landed this one 4/5 days later again.
Talk about keen I was at the river for 16hrs, conditions were perfect I thought I just needed perseverance but it just didn't happen I've spent a lot 6/8/10 hours this year and it's been my worst season since getting into fishing again.

All the hours of perseverance eventually paid off, not a big fish but with light tackle it's takes some beating, near 10 minutes to get it to the net.