
I started using a shakespeare oracle over a sage euro, the shakespeare was lighter and could put a line out every bit as well, sage £650 shakespeare £100 best rod in the world with not the best of fittings.
I've a loop blue line that a shakespeare agility puts to shame to cast with but is let down by fittings and finish but a great rod if you don't have a lot of money.
Last week I picked up a Piscifun sword with a spare spool for £23 ebay, I think it's £50 for the reel new and it's comparable spec to my snowbee spectre reel £180.
There's plenty decent equipment for very little money.
I hear you. That noodle throws 2# mono on wet fly weight a country mile. My orvis 13Wt silver series three piece is just a tow truck. 3/8 OZ or it ain't casting. Top notch sensitivity though. My loop 13 wt blue line is a smooth balanced rod. But I'd like to learn to restore my Browning. It was pure magic in my hand.
Here in the Florida, Georgia and Alabama tri-state area, Red Holland was an icon. His early morning show ran for years in Dothan Al and was watched by most working folks. Later when that station was sold, he moved to Panama City and did his show from down there. He has been off the air for the last few years. Yesterday he died of Covid-19.

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Revenge of the carp. Just to think, all that is because about a hundred years ago the good folks of Chi-town thought it would be a good idea to dig 50 miles of canal and reverse the flow of the river to take all the stockyard (and people) waste to the gulf instead of the lake. Today the corp have a long section of the river electrified, but that is like closing the barn door after the horse is out.
I've had a few close encounters of the fish stealing snake kind. Once a snake came through the holes in the live-well, swallowed a fish and could't get back out. And when I was 7 or 8, Mamma and I were fishing in a spring off the creek. A cotton mouth swallowed the end fish on a stringer we had tied off to a cypress knee. I chopped him with the machete, and in so doing, cut the stringer too. All the fish got off. Actually, that has happened to me a couple three times.
I once was in Florida with my best friend on a visit. We were taken out to catch non venomous snakes by snagging them with treble hooks. Then used them for bait in the fresh water channels and sink holes. Biggest bass I have ever saw. And a few I can't name. MI boy. No brackish or salt here.
I've had a few close encounters of the fish stealing snake kind. Once a snake came through the holes in the live-well, swallowed a fish and could't get back out. And when I was 7 or 8, Mamma and I were fishing in a spring off the creek. A cotton mouth swallowed the end fish on a stringer we had tied off to a cypress knee. I chopped him with the machete, and in so doing, cut the stringer too. All the fish got off. Actually, that has happened to me a couple three times.
I would of just left it. Lol. Snake can have all my fish. Lol