Fish's 1200W MH/HPS Grow: First Timer


Hello everyone, You can call me Fish. I have been a member of this community for a little while now and have wanted badly to start a grow journal, but had not found the time to do so. Well, I've decided to simply stay up late and make one!

On June 1st, 2 of 6 seeds I had been given by a good friend of mine began to sprout. I was not told what they were, which is too bad... Bu oh well. I am in it for the knowledge, experience and the smoke :). I began growing for my personal uses because the other methods of acquiring it are such a pain.

I had made a post not long ago showing how I put together my veg and flower rooms. Give it a look and you'll get a better idea of what's going on:

Sadly, I am very far behind on this... I am going to simply start from today and go from there.

Day 29: First on the left is Stubbs. She has been recently determined to be female for sure, and by far is the healthiest of the two plants. On the right is Ms. Cruff (short for Cruffington). I use Fox Farm's Ocean Forest soil in 2x3 gallon Smart Pots. I correct my tap water's pH to 6.8 always. For Nuts I use BioBizz's Bio Grow, Bio Bloom and Bio Heaven P.E.E. liquid solutions. So far so good! The other plants in the pictures I am simply baby sitting for a few days :wink:. I have taken photos consistently from 16 days till now, I will post them next for you all to enjoy!


Day 29 Stubbs.jpgDay 29.jpgDay 29 Cruff.jpg


Here are the pictures I have taken up until now in chronological order, of course. Maybe someone could help me identify the strain's I have..?

Day 16: Stubbs and Cruff have been growing for the last 16 days in these hard plastic cups with Fox Farm's Ocean's Forest soil. I drilled some holes in the bottom of the cups for drainage.

Day 16 Cruff.jpg Day 16.jpg Day 16 Stubbs.jpg

Day 18: Transplanted them into 3 Gallon Smart Pots today. they are drooping a bit, but not showing any real sign of stress. I love these Smart Pots! They are so flexible and breathable. I like that the roots can air prune themselves through the sides of the pots. I am hoping this creates a denser root system.

Day 18 Cruff.jpg Day 18.jpg Day 18 Stubbs.jpg

Day 19: They seem to be recovering quite well today! I noticed the first signs of what I assume to be over-fertilizing in the form of a little whiteish dot on one of Stubbs leaves..
Otherwise, not much else to report today.

Day 19 Cruff.jpgDay 19.jpgDay 19 Stubbs.jpg

Closeups of the burns on Stubbs:
Day 19 Burn on Stubbs 1.jpg Day 19 Burn on Stubbs 2.jpg

Day 20: They have made a full recovery from the transplant and have taken off growing again! Their are a couple more little white dots on Stubbs leaves. I tooks some closeup shots.. Otherwise nothing else to report.

Day 20 Cruff.jpg Day 20.jpg Day 20 Stubbs.jpg


Day 20 Stubbs Burn Closeup1.jpg Day 20 Stubbs Burn Closeup2.jpg

Day 21: Nothing to report today other than big growth! I dig how huge the leaves are on these guys! Must be healthy girls :)

Day 21 Cruff.jpg Day 21.jpg Day 21 Stubbs 3.jpg

Day 22: They are really bushing out! Not a whole lot of stretch between each node.. No more burning signs on any of their leaves, yay!

Day 22 Stubbs.jpg Day 22.jpg Day 22 Cruff.jpg

Well I have to go catch a train, but I will be back tonight to post the remainder of the days. I do have a quick question for anyone who is reading this: What's with the Grow Journal Discussion board versus this board? Do I need to make a separate Grow Journal in the discussion forum to get your comments?

Anyways, Thanks for stopping by!

Peace and Love,


Here are the last 10 days up until today:

Day 22: Just another day in heaven :cool:.
Day 22 Stubbs.jpg Day 22 Cruff.jpg Day 22 Stubbs and Cruff.jpg Day 22.jpg

Day 24: Stubbs has REALLY taken off now! Cruff is doing very well, but not quite as rambunctious as Stubbs. They are obviously of different strains. How exciting :mrgreen:!
Day 24 Cruff.jpg Day 24.jpg Day 24 Stubbs.jpg

Day 27: Missed a few days. I had to leave my baby's for a day. They seemed to have behaved so well. I am a very proud parent :). Both plants have shown great health and are growing these HUGE factory leaves!

Day 27 Close.jpg Day 27 Stubbs.jpg Day 27.jpg Day 27 Cruff.jpg

Day 28: I am officially the proud parent of at least one daughter! Today I noticed some pre-flowering on Stubbs, and after comparing them to what I have seen on the threads here and in my MJ Horticulture book, they are definitely female! This made my day :). I tried to get a close-up shot. Kinda hard to see though...

Day 28 Stubbs and Cruff.jpg Day 28 Stubbs Pre-Flower.jpg Day 28 With Love.jpg Day 28 Stubbs close.jpg

Day 29: Today we had some guests stop in for a visit :wink:. I am babysitting for a few days for a close friend for various reasons. I got to use my flower room for the first time today! I hooked up the scrubber from Phresh and it is working like a charm :-). I will post photos tomorrow as the flowering plants are on their dark cycle right now due to them moving today.

Day 29 Cruff.jpg Day 29.jpg Day 29 Stubbs.jpg

That's all for today. I will find some more time to post yesterday and today's entries a little later.

Peace and love,
-Fish :peace:


Day 30: Lot's of pictures today! I thought I would show off some of my buddies girls I have been babysitting in the flower room. Also, this should give you a better idea of what I hope my setup will look like a few more months into our Summer. We had a warm muggy day today, but the temperatures still stayed in a very reasonable range of 68 - 71 in the flower room, and 72 - 75 in the veg room. I'm not entirely sure why the temp is higher in the veg room as the fresh air being blown in is the same temperature and speed as the fresh air in the flower room. Perhaps the bulbs burn at different temperatures. Anyways, I had a little fun with my dslr :-). Hope you enjoy.

Day 30 Stubbs.jpg<--Stubbs & Cruff -->Day 30 Cruff.jpg Thermometer Readings for Flower/Veg Rooms-->Day 30 HumiTemp.jpg

Day 30 Stubbs and Cruff.jpg<-- The Family :-) -->Day 30.jpg

Here are our guests in the flower room --> Day 30 Babysitting 6.jpg Day 30 Baby Sitting  1.jpg Day 30 Babysitting 3.jpg Day 30 Babysitting 4.jpg Day 30 Babysitting 5.jpg

Peace and Love,


It has now been over a month since Stubbs and Cruff have sprouted in their Fox Farm's soils. I can only assume that the nutrients in the soils are beginning to wain off. Therefore, I have decided to begin feeding them some nutes. I am using BioBizz's Bio-Grow Liquid Fertilizer (1-0-6) and BioHeaven Liquid Plant Energy Enhancer (0.24-0.18-0.24). I used 2 Liters of water per plant and measured out 2ml of Bio-Grow and 2ml of BioHeaven and mixed them into my tap water. They came out to 250-260 ppm, is this about right for a 1 month old in fortified soil? Or should I step it up? After I watered with the nutes I noticed no runoff from either plant, so I decided it must be time to ramp up the watering to 3L. Stubbs ended up taking 4L before any runoff started!

The tap water has a pretty steady pH of 7.4 where I live, but after the nutes were added, this dropped it down to 6.7. I adjusted with some pH up to 6.8. This is the pH they have been receiving since their birth. It also gives a runoff pH of 6.5 which I believe to be close enough to perfect for me :-). I am making all of these measurements with a fairly nice pH/ppm/temp device I got used from my local growing shop. It is working like a charm! I added a picture of it below.

Day 31 Taking Readings.jpg<-- My office :-P I know I know. It's probably a bad idea to be doing this all on my carpet. I am working on finding a nice work bench.

Day 31 Stubbs.jpg<--Cruff & Stubbs-->Day 31 Cruff.jpg

The Family -->Day 31.jpg

Please, feel free to leave comments. Perhaps I have something turned off? Or maybe there is just not enough interest out there... Until tomorrow, Peace and Love.


Active Member
Subscribed! i'll have a proper read through when i'm not baked (first time i've had Blue Cheese and first smoke in months) lol. looks good though man!


Not much to report today. I did some watering for our guests. But nothing much to do with my babies but rotate :).

Day 32 Cruff.jpg<-- Cruff and Stubbs -->Day 32 Stubbs.jpg

The leaves on Subbs are getting out of control big! -->Day 32 Stubbs Leaf.jpg
Would that make this an Indica plant? :mrgreen:

I am thinking I should clone the lowers on these ladies (hopefully) before I go and stress them in their flower stage to prove their pre-flowers tellings. What do you think?

Peace and love,


Active Member
Thanks Justin for the sub. I have always wanted to sample this Blue Cheese bongsmilie
Do you grow?

No :(. Still at home with mummy so no growing for a while unfortunately. You won't be disappointed with the cheese man :eyesmoke: doesn't half whiff n all lol Gonna read your thread through now pal.


No :(. Still at home with mummy so no growing for a while unfortunately. You won't be disappointed with the cheese man :eyesmoke: doesn't half whiff n all lol Gonna read your thread through now pal.
Thanks a lot for stoppin' by! I will try my hardest to stay up to date with this :-) Speaking of which, it's about time for an update...


Day 33/34: Yesterday, our friends went back home, but left one behind for showing such good hospitality :mrgreen: She has been named Alice.

No watering today, just some rotation and inspection. They are looking amazing as always! Their stalks are getting very strong, and their nodes are very tight together. Will this hinder my abilities to clone? I added a photo so you could see, as well as some of Alice, the latest addition to the family.

Day 33 Stubbs Main Stalk.jpg<-- Stubbs' Stalk

Day 33 Cruff.jpg<--Cruff Day 33.jpg Stubbs-->Day 33 Stubbs.jpg

Day 33 Alice2.jpg<-- Alice --> Day 33 Alise1.jpg

That's it for today! Have a happy 4th of July!
Peace and Love,


What does anyone think about me transplanting Cruff and Stubbs into 5 gallon pots..? too risky? too early?