Fishtank Questions


Active Member
TO Anybody Im a avid pot-smoker (10 yrs+) but im a first time cultivator(Damn U.S. Laws) but im in the process of startin my own grow space. Im wondering is a 3 or 4 ft. Fishtank ok for growin pot!!! plz help


Well-Known Member
well you have to look at it as is there enough room for them to get tall or are you going to leave the top on?


Active Member
i wasnt bcuz im settin up in my basement and the i have 2 use a flourescent lighting sytem that hangs from from my ceiling so i would have to lower it into the tank any1 have an idea 4 better cost efficient container i could use. Thx!!!!


Active Member
and since im a novice at at i was only goin to plant 3-5 plants just to get a feel for it.. do any1 have good beginner strains ideas i could use.


Well-Known Member
ya the cat box is better casue "unless you want to or already have" you would have to put drainage holes in it


Active Member
ok if i was to go about using the cat trays..i have an old kitchen cabinet with 2 shelves would it b possibile to use that as a grow cabinet...

mr west

Well-Known Member
what u want to grow inside the kitchen cabinet or take the lid off and use it to hold your pots?


Active Member
I would use it to hold the potted plants in. but if u can give me a better suggestion that would b easy on my pockets im all ears


Well-Known Member
Can you not just have the plants in pots sitting on the floor with drip trays? or do they have to be hidden?

mr west

Well-Known Member
i wouldnt bother trying to box up the pots id jus put the pots on some styrofome so the roots dont get cold on a concreat floor or an off cut of carpet.


Active Member
ok then thx ill try that what would i use as a cover if i would 2 set it up like that o yea i have a flourescent light what would b a good alternative light 2 use that u could use on a pre-existing flourescent light fixture....

General Anesthetic

Well-Known Member
I have an idea:idea:. Maybe you could wrap the fish tank to block the light and then rig it with air-stones. Buy yourself an air pump, tubing, and connectors. Use the top screen(if you have one) or cut holes it and use net pots to give yourself an aeroponic grow. It's not hard and you can slap them right underneath the fluorescent light.


Active Member
thx General cuz i would really hate to waste a good fishtank lol... but what iz an air stone and where would i go to get that item and the air pump...

mr west

Well-Known Member
it dipends how tidy u r as to how much clean up u have to do. Have you thought bout putting some fish in ur fish tank? I need a new piece of glass for my big tank. I will re-build it one day jus need some re-enforced glass for the bottom and some silicone.


Active Member
yea there was fish in it but they all died so im usin the tank for another purpose...and plus ppl who grow i kno started in a tank so i was just expirmenting wit the tank...


Well-Known Member
i would stick with soil for a first grow, why not just get some big pots, fill em up with soil, put em in the basement and set the lights up as close as possible to them. simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Fish tanks work o.k. if you have enough room for a good fan. The air in it can get stagnant because except for the top it's air tight. You could pick a hearty strain that is somewhat leaniant, Ak47 is an easy growing strain, but for a first time grow i would suggest using maybe lowryder 2 or another autoflowering strain. The Ak47 are a bit expensive anyway. Try some auto flowering plants. I did my first time, it was a piece of cake....