Fishy smelling water


Active Member
Im just about 5 days into grow number 1 and I have lots of questions. Ive found the answer to most by reading but heres one I cant find.

My water farm system is starting to smell like a fish tank. Is this normal? Good? Bad?

Im using tap water with a PPM of 180. PH at about 5.6 and minimal nutrients at this point. I don't think any light is getting into the bucket and so far the water is still pretty clear.

Plant is only about 1/2 tall but it looks good so far. Should I be concerned? Is this an indication that I need to do a water change?


Well-Known Member
What brand nutes? I started with BC recipe for sucess, I put in too much of something, it was yellow and smelled fishy and like piss..I jfinally went with GH Flora 3 part, seems a lot of people in the know use it..that shit is smell, almost foolproof.I don't think i had enough experience to use the BC correctly...


Active Member
Im using the GH Flora system also. 7.5 ml of each in about 3 gallons of water. Thats the same amount they recommend.

So are you saying the smell isn't normal?

It also makes me think of another question. Do I change the PH then add the nutes, or add the nutes and then change the PH?

Sorry......... Im new here.


Well-Known Member
I have a 10 gallon rez, put in 6-7 gallons of distilled water(don't want any probs.I have hard water), ppm's at 1300-1400, just has that hydro odor, but no stench.. bubblegum clones growing nice...I'm not familiar w/ your system, is it a small bucket system? I'm brand new at this also.. I add the nutes to the water, check ppm's, then adjust pH.I add the Micro first, like it says..hope this helps..


Well-Known Member
im going to guess joo dont have any bubblers or pump moving your still water around. Still water = bad. try flushing your res and using h2o2 or at least airstones.


Well-Known Member
hydrogen peroxide.. again i am going to guess and say you don't have $30 for a bottle of high strength peroxide. Go to your local store and buy the 3% peroxide. Peroxide kills harmful algae and bacteria and adds dissolved oxygen to your reservoir. 5-7ml/gal of high strength 35% peroxide is used for fast growing plants so figure out how many millions of bottles of 3% you need and buy them for a dollar ea.

Since you are using flora series you can also use hygrozyme, which helps to protect or at least work with these things that are making your tank smell like fish or whatever.