Fist grow in coco...think i can use some help!!...

Tru Bammer

So I started my first grow and decided to go with Canna COCO for my medium due to its relative ease and promising yeild.

I have 6 plants under a 6500k 125w cfl right now for the early stages of veg and will later put the plants under a 400w MH for about a week to finish them off.

Right now I am confused on how to water my plants while using COCO. Should I let it dry out before watering again or should it always stay moist/damp??

How many times a day should i water? (hand fed)

I'm about 2 weeks from seed right now and was wondering what a good PPM would be for my water using Canna A+B and Rhizotonic? Right now I am feeding a ppm of about 150 and it seems to be doing ok.

I also have a plant (lsd) that is TINY and doesnt seem to want to grow anymore than it has (bottom right) even though the other lsd plants are looking big and healthy, Is this normal? Should i wait or is there anything i can do to help her out?

What else should i add to my coco to make a better nute solution?

I will be keeping this as a grow journal with updated pics as i go along. Any advice or comments will be greatly appreciated..Thank you all!!!


Tru Bammer

Its been about 2 weeks from seed and this is what my girls are looking like as of today (below of course).

I have made a few changes and they seem to be working pretty well.

Its been raining like crazy here so i collected some rain water and mixed my A+B and rhizotonic to a level of 553ppm. I was feeding at 150ppm so this was a scary jump for me, lol.

The plants seem to be doing good but the one lsd plant is still so tiny!!! I was worried about nutrient lock but all other plants are fine. Hopefully she is just a late bloomer.

I have one bag seed in the tray now to just for fun and its REALLY dark green while the others are light green...any reason for this?

I still want to add one or two more nutrients does anyone have any ideas?...Right now the plants are still under the 125watt 6500k cfl...when should I go MH? I was hoping to stay under this light as long as possible to save power so im hoping i can keep them under until i simply run out of room.

Should i just invest in t5 fixture or is MH really that much better?

Well let me know what you think...any advice will help and will be greatly appreciated...:joint:THANK YOU!! :joint:


Tru Bammer

Well i feel like im talking to myself but its ok i guess i need a journal for my records to ONE GUYS/GIRLS, ..(i love girls who grow by the way..mmmmm). Post something give me some love or hate or advice...something.

Well anyways i watered today till flooding out of bottom and i read last night that i should let the coco get a little dry when in veg stage so the roots stretch for water. Is this true? Ive been watering 2 times a day and not even letting the top get dry i just go off total weight. I read that i should water one time a day maybe every other day when vegging when in coco...any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt advise to use coco a and b or anything els yet they to small just let them be for a little longer all you can add is formulex it really works great with the coco soil, well this is what i do when they this small, i water them ones until some water comes out of the bottem pot, then it stays mois for like 5-6 days and you dont need to touch it my seedlings where fine like that, my seedlings where in 1.5L pots when i was doing this,

and thats true let it dry just a little befor water, pik up the pot ones you waterd and feel how heavy it is, now when it starts to dry (the top layer of the coco soil) pik it up then it should seem quit light, ones its light like that water the babys till some water comes out the bottem,

and keep in mind your plants aer only in the seedling cycle and they can die rite quik handle them with cair, and the way your watering your gena end up over watering these babys and theyll die, follow my metherd you should be ok, and remember no nutes yet only formulex if you really want to add somet for them to grow quik at this stage

p.s if you decide to get formulex solution let me know ill tell yeh how much to add to how much water at this stage,

Tru Bammer

Just another daily update for everyone...

All the plants are looking pretty has the leaves bending sort of (bottom right)...overwatering? Nutes?

The small lsd plant is still really small but looks more pepped up and healthier every day so im just treating her like all the other plants as far as water and feed goes..

I think ive been overwatering at 2 times a day but ive read multiple times that its virtually impossible to overwater in coco...Any truth to this??

Thank you NAS I will take your advice on the watering schedule but the feed seems to be what made these girls sprout up so fast....once i added the a+b..even at 150ppm i noticed a HUGE with rain water and 550ppm they are BOOMING!!!!....the lady at the hydro store told me this was ok and as you go along you raise it to around 1500 for mature plants. Im going to stay around 550 for a while unless i see a need for more or less...and let me know from my pictures if you see anything wrong PLEASE!!!!!

Well besides the watering i think everything is going good so far...When should i switch to the metal halide (400w)? I would rather not use it at all because of power and heat but if its that much better i will...would t5 be better?

well heres a pic of the girls today......:joint:GOOD MORNING LADIES!!!:joint:



Well-Known Member
well the bottem right pic, my seedling is the same hight and is doing the same thing i put a dome on top with water sprayd in it its abit better now, the top right pic seedlings looks healthy to me, a better/closer pic would be better of them 2

the t5 is the best for the seedling, seedlings love the t5 light, i got the t5 wave 4 tubes, my seedlings really love it! and the review on the t5 is to be a top light for seedlings,

well if your seedlings are happy the way your watering/nute them then i woudnt want to stop you, your doing a good job!

i would leave the t5 yet watch you will see how happy they look under it they really like it,

this is a pic of my seedling under the t5 at day 11
003.jpg 018.jpg

Tru Bammer

Yeah i think you were right Nas...i have one plant that has the leaves turning down and the outsides and tips are very light green. I went ahead and flushed out all of my plants with about a liter of 0ppm water per plant...should i use more water to flush?

I have two auto-flower strains going along with 3 lsd and one bag seed and the auto's seem to be very healthy while the lsds show signs of problems...such as the one that doesnt want to grow, one looks like maybe i let too much heat get to it at one point because the leaves are bent a little at the top and this happened after a night where i forgot to vent the tent....OOPS!! And the other looks like it has nute burn :twisted:...pretty frustrating, lol. well heres the daily update of pics.....The two really good looking ones are the auto strains (roadrunner and Haze). I will post pics of the lsds later....CAMERA IS FROM PHONE=CRAPPY PICS...sorry



Well-Known Member
if i was you i would stop the nutes now, you need to understand these seedlings on ly babys yet, you cudnt feed your own 2 weeks old baby a grilled stake now could you? do yeh get my point,

these plants are no dif then our own babys they both need atention and care but not to much where you over do it like over wateing them over feeding them just keep it sweet and eazy, stick to a seedling solution like formulex it really works well for seedlings in coco soil. alot of coco users use formulex for they seedlings the first 2-3 weeks and then start adding coco a and b at just 1.5 at start and slowly move up, you need to keep that in mind if you dont want to kill them with to much love!

at this point it doesnt matter how much light you give it or how much nutes you give it it will still grow on its own phase at this seedling stage let another couple opf weeks go and watch ow they will start growing they will just bomb out on you, just be pations until that time comes you will love it then,

show us a pic of your light set up if yeh can

Tru Bammer

Yeah im cutting out the nutes all together now that i see the one plant showing some minor signs of over feeding. Good comparison with the baby and a steak, lol. Im thinking about getting some rain water and feeding a solution of rhizotonic because it says you can feed that from seed and it helps the roots out alot. This would probably be something like formulex im guessing?? But ill stay away from the a+b for about another week i think then start at around 150-200ppm that should be good because i was feeding 150 for a while and nothing bad happened i just think 550 was too high.

Well heres some pics of the one closet im using right now. Its just the one 125w cfl 6400k in a reflector with heat sheild. I grabbed a portable closet from walmart and ghetto rigged whats going to be my mother tent eventually and thats what their in right now. I have it wrapped in panda tarp and exhausted through the top with a small 6" desk fan for intake at the bottom. Two more fans infront for when the tent is open (i only close it when im sleeping so its not bright as shit in my

Temps stay around 75 when open and 85 when closed..


Tru Bammer

when i need to im going to move the plants to a 2x2 or 3x3 official grow tent for veg with the 400 mh and finally to a 4x4 tent with a 400hps or 600 still dont know yet...
im using formulex at a rate of 2.5ml per ltre in 4 ltre pots (coco) ph 6.0 they have been under a 600watt for 6 days but look like they are struggling (white dwarfs) a little pale green all pots are still quite heavy i started in coco pellets once popped through straight into pots and watered until runoff this is my 1st grow in coco and autos any help would be appreciated

Tru Bammer

If i were you i would go pick up canna coco nutes a+b. I was having trouble with my plants being pale and turing yellow a bit and i started adding 1 1/2 tsp of Canna COCO a and b...(one and a half tsp of each per gallon) and 1 1/2 tsp of rhizotonic and my plants are looking ALOT better. I only have one thats still pale and struggling but i think its turning the corner and getting better. I would also keep your ph around 5.5-5.8 this might help out to...I now have my plants under a 400w MH and its been about 3 weeks...heres the pics........:leaf:d



Well-Known Member
i agree with true bammer, rhizotonic makes alot of difrence. i would advise both of you to use cannazym with it your plant will love you for it and they will show you love by being healthy as fuck and very hard to get ill, only 1ml of cannazym with coco a and b and rhizotonic, your babs will be the sexyest of all with them ;)