Fist LED grow


Well-Known Member
Beautiful as always, and boy are you right about your hempy having a healthy looking plant in it. That's mighty impressive for no e.c. pen, and tap water. I've seen alot of people having immense problems with pens and r.o. or distilled water, congrats on that. Your plants are exuding health right out in the form of sticky resin, and are just thriving. You should be so proud and happy with them. I was going to make an order from the Tude, but they changed all their freebies to dang autos. Not that I buy for the free seeds, but they just had a pretty decent line-up and right before they have the June promo they change all the free ones to crappy autos. You're already getting one auto for free in the promo and with even more for ufo's, forget it I'm not buyin that crap. I would have just went ahead and got the free reg's but it's the same tired ol crap they've had up forever. I just don't have the space or time for males right now anyways, in the future that would be fine, I just can't do it now. I've never seen a pic of your 600W grow I don't think, what do you have going on in there? I had some seedlings pop last night, I think I'm gonna make a thread for my veg area as well as keep an up-date of what's going on in my flower tent. I already started the latter of the two, I just need to get some more pics of my veg I guess. I never did all that before, but you and a couple of other's have inspired me. You're a heck of a farmer Slipon you seem to have a natural green thumb, keep up this good work bro. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
thanks, and I just love the hobby, not hard to do good on sum thing that catch your interest like that, but yea I know what you mean, some people just don't have that "green thump" or any logic sense it seems, just some of the question people ask in here, Ooh well, and I don't use the 600W any more, in the basement, the pure reason to get them LEDs, so I could safe some power and get the heat out of the way

but here is a few pictures


and some more:




Well-Known Member

Nice Flux Capacitor dude. Bud pic was nice and plump for lower bud. Yeah, things are going right at your place.


Well-Known Member
You definitely get results no matter what kind of light you're pointing at those girls. I assume those were L.S.D. as well, kinda looked like it. I like the square pots, I just don't like the fact you have to move them around when you want to turn them 1/4 when you pack em together. I found that out the hard way after purchasing some and had to go get more round ones, live and learn right. My wife uses them outside so no big loss really. I like the whole hempy bucket thing, but I just don't know about completely organic. I would like to see someones results with teas and organic bottle nutes. I don't mind to be the first to try something out if it would be the first, but I just don't have expendable income right now for a possible fail. I've been putting out alot of money lately to get a veg area up and I'm kind of strapped on extra $ so to speak. I don't know about quantity but I think you'll have the same quality with your led as you did with your 600W and I don't say that lightly cause both of your grows in the pics are frosty and right. You always have very green nice looking plants, I take great pride in being able to say the same about my girls. It's alot of work at times, but when you're growing organicly alot of the time you can just water and forget about it. The work is in the soil mixing and Xplanting and all that, but after that's done there's not much work to it at all. Mostly it's just tending simple basic plant needs and alot of hard, stanky, bud trimming.:weed: Take it easy and thanks for the quick pics, just reinforces the fact that you are a very competent grower. Peace out and enjoy your sample from earlier.


Well-Known Member
green thump lol. Hey i'm watching slipon, looking very nice!! Hey didn't I see an airpot somewhere? Not working for you?? (I don't see any here)

Edit: Right, they're your hps on this page?

Anyhow... :eyesmoke: how are the airpots slip?? I seem to recall a slowish start??


Well-Known Member
dont like em, well don't dislike em really, tho water leaking out some of the top hole`s when you water is a bit annoying, but did`t see any effect and actually did over water a plant, for the first time in my life, so no, Im back to square pot`s, just make the soil mix light enough and make sure it have plenty of drain holes (and is big enough)

dont like the grow bag`s either, but Im sure it all a mater of taste, like I dont TURN my plant`s I let em grow at the light, and prune or train anything at the shadow side so Im kool with square pot`s ;)


Well-Known Member

smoke report :D

Bud was hard and compact, smelled like lemon and was full of trichomes, but semi wet and tasted like shit, but Im high so I don't care :D and still no seed`s (look promising)


Well-Known Member
Haha, there will be a time to be a connoisseur later eh :lol:

Did you use just coco with the airpot? Maybe the LED grow added to overwatering early?
Must say i'm impressed with the lighting, even on lower buds. Maybe not the bulk of HPS but chunky enough?
Enjoy ;-)


Well-Known Member
Whether you like APs, depends on how you use APs

My method is definitely outside the box, but I developed it after experimenting with hpa for 4 grows. To learn the 411 go to my thread, but here are a couple pics

IMG_1563.jpgIMG_1556 (1024x526) (800x411) (640x329).jpgIMG_1547.jpgIMG_1542.jpg


Well-Known Member
nop, I use my own soil mix and sure the LED`s might have some to say, they do use less water/nuts, tho I believe it was my dry RH (28-35%) in the start, that made my top soil dry out to quick and made me water to much, lesson learned, and a humidifier and a cheap soil moist meter is now in play

and yes, they look more potent under the LEDs and more healthy over all, maybe a bit smaller ? dunno yet, still not done, and Im sure the nice pheno will be as big as under the HID and all of it with half the power used and no heat to fight


Well-Known Member
Damn, is my humidity too low? 34%

I have two shallow pans on the floor, but I don't think that has helped raise it any with light on.

I just checked with the lights off it's 53% at 73 degrees.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much about your humidity, if your plants aren't showing signs of heat stress or being too dry, chances are they're just fine. If you can get it higher I would, but they will be alright with it like it is. When you go into flower that'll be pretty much right on the money. Your in-line fan will keep it lower at night when it's running. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
agree, in flowering its nice not to have a too high RH, IME anything with in 40-60% works all grow, above 60% in flowering and I would begin to worry a bit and maybe place another fan in there, and less then 40% in early veg and I would try to get it up a bit, I have before done well with seedlings and a RH around 30-40% (a bit of misting also helps some here)

but when I had 28% this spring and even I had dry skin I used 40$ on a humidifier, got it up by 10% or so



Well-Known Member
I really like humidifiers, they work great at doing what they do. I like the ultra-sonic humidifier's though because they don't create heat just pure mist. I've even thought about hooking a hose up to one and using it to purify water for seedlings and such. I used to use them all the time when I grew shrooms. Hook up a hose feed the hose into the cake grow chamber and blast it with 100% heat free humidity.;-) I used to do alot of dumb stuff for extra cash, but as long as you don't go to jail in the interim and learn it's all good. I think one of those could really help Prosperian and they're not anymore than a regular one anymore really, maybe a bit. I really do think it would be better than a regular one and without all the hot air coming out it won't just spike your temps again. Just a suggestion, I was going through my closet and was thinking how I could re-purpose some of my old equipment for the mushies and thought of your humidity. Crazy what's going on in your head at any given moment. Hope this helps, peace out.


Well-Known Member
I really like humidifiers, they work great at doing what they do. I like the ultra-sonic humidifier's though because they don't create heat just pure mist. I've even thought about hooking a hose up to one and using it to purify water for seedlings and such. I used to use them all the time when I grew shrooms. Hook up a hose feed the hose into the cake grow chamber and blast it with 100% heat free humidity.;-) I used to do alot of dumb stuff for extra cash, but as long as you don't go to jail in the interim and learn it's all good. I think one of those could really help Prosperian and they're not anymore than a regular one anymore really, maybe a bit. I really do think it would be better than a regular one and without all the hot air coming out it won't just spike your temps again. Just a suggestion, I was going through my closet and was thinking how I could re-purpose some of my old equipment for the mushies and thought of your humidity. Crazy what's going on in your head at any given moment. Hope this helps, peace out.

nice idea with the purify water, have to try that :D and yes my humidifier is also sonic, no heat, and not expensive, maybe 10$ more then the cheapest that was`t only make some cool steam and you only see it on max, but easily make my RH go up 5-10% in a 12 sq/M room (small bed room) I just placed it near my intake