"Fk the NRA"

Yeah thats that german influence into brazil, really a large variation of skin tones in the biggest slave trade hub of the atlantic, i apologize for offending with my skin tone, ill buy some shoe polish
Yeah thats that german influence into brazil, really a large variation of skin tones in the biggest slave trade hub of the atlantic, i apologize for offending with my skin tone, ill buy some shoe polish
Why did you try to act like you weren’t lily white, white?
What is it about whites that triggers u? The stability of their countries? Their strong economies? The fact that the world turns to white majority countries to police the world only months after chastizing them for meddling? Better yet why dont u define “white” by nationality and location, u hate whites but cant recognize any kind of diversity in them, or have any clue what makes up populations of anywhere but ur trailer, u sound ignorant af
What is it about whites that triggers u? The stability of their countries? Their strong economies? The fact that the world turns to white majority countries to police the world only months after chastizing them for meddling? Better yet why dont u define “white” by nationality and location, u hate whites but cant recognize any kind of diversity in them, or have any clue what makes up populations of anywhere but ur trailer, u sound ignorant af
Whites are the most violent race ever

Whites perpetrated the holocaust and chattel slavery

Whites are uncivilized animals that shouldn’t breed
Im all for not breeding in general tho, with the trash that makes up the general public i think it would be great if u had to apply for a propogation license but that's another discussion entirely
Nope... I'm just your typical Libertarian who likes his guns as much as his weed.
Well I can’t lie, I like em too lol. I just don’t think it would be a great ideal to let everyone here carry, including me :(. Like I said earlier it would be comforting to have a revolver while bow hunting for bears though ;).
Im all for not breeding in general tho, with the trash that makes up the general public i think it would be great if u had to apply for a propogation license but that's another discussion entirely
whites are not breeding fast enough to replace all the whites that are dying (and killing themselves at record rates)

whites are gonna be replaced