Active Member
The fact someone sat around wasting our time and tax payers dollars to figure out a way to try and make the passing of the MMJ law illegal/ worthless (FL) even though it was voted in pisses me off beyond belief. If we are tax payers, we vote for something to occur or not, and then the government can override the majority rule of its citizens this is not a free democracy. Its no different than a dictatorship. Maybe I'm having a bad morning. Maybe this is just pissing me off so fucking much I want to leave, downsize, and detach from the country. I love America. Or I did but the shit that's going on lately, not at all MMJ related is making me embarrassed to say I'm a citizen of the USA. In no way am I knocking the men and women who have risked their lives or even given them up for us to have this so called freedom. I dont have words to describe my appreciation and gratitude for what they have done whether they were mislead into a fake war or not. Its our government that Im pissed off at. This is my body, mind, and spirit. You will not tell me what I can think, eat, or do if Im not hurting others. I love helping people. That is my business. When someone cant afford my service many times I pay for them. Sorry for this rant, im just disgusted with our government as a whole.