Flash Babylon Auto.....First attempt with a good seed


Well-Known Member
This sprouted from seed 5/29. My entire cab is already on 12/12, will it be ok to put it right in there on 12/12 since it is an autoflower? This was just given to me by a friend today. I love having an awesome friend like that. I am a newbie grower so I need and welcome any and all advice. Especially if you have already grown or in the process of growing this strain. These two pics were taken today. I plan on taking pics daily. Let me know what you all think!


What is your light setup? Since your looking to transplant soon could you take a pic of your roots? I was thinking I needed to transplant soon but seeing my pot I a lot larger then your cup I don't know when to transplant. Looking good though


Well-Known Member
These pics were taken this morning when I turned the lights on. Today is day 16 since she sprouted. I am using cfls right now and she is in a styrofoam cup, which is where she started. I don't think I will be doing any transplanting anytime soon, but we will see how she grows.



Well-Known Member
Today is day 20 and she is definitely a she. I picked up a 3 gallon smart pot today, which is what I will be transplanting into. How far down should I start the transplant in the smart pot? Should I fill it full, then dig a hole and transplant it that way? I don't want to mess this up, so any and all advice is welcomed! I will post pics later tonight when I get to my computer. Thanks in advance for all the help!


Well-Known Member
These pics were taken on day 18, 6/16/12IMAG1815.jpgIMAG1816.jpgIMAG1817.jpgIMAG1818.jpgIMAG1819.jpg

These pics were taken on day 19, 6/17/12IMAG1832.jpgIMAG1833.jpgIMAG1834.jpgIMAG1835.jpgIMAG1836.jpg

These pics were taken on day 20, 6/18/12IMAG1842.jpgIMAG1843.jpgIMAG1844.jpg


Well-Known Member
In regards to re-potting her, how deep should I put it in the new pot? Any advice out there for a newbie growing an autoflower?
Its seems like we are on our own for our grows. No onen seems to care about us. Haha. plant it so the top of the dirt of the cup is even with the top of the soil for your pot. Can you take a pic of the roots when you transplant so I can reference it?


Well-Known Member
Its seems like we are on our own for our grows. No onen seems to care about us. Haha. plant it so the top of the dirt of the cup is even with the top of the soil for your pot. Can you take a pic of the roots when you transplant so I can reference it?
Yes it does seem like we are on our own lol. Thank you for all of your help. I will definitely take a pic of the roots for you. I have been following your grow and she looks really good! I will probably have to wait until I get my other ones out in the fiels because I am quickly running out of room in my grow area. I think I am going to stick with autos from now on so I donKt have to worry about lighting and stuff. I updated my other grow journal, and I am concerned about the purple stems and the main stalk having some purple too, but some seem to think it is perfectly normal. Can you take a look and see what you think?


Well-Known Member
hey man i hope you transplanted it because that size cup will tell the plant it needs to grow small. im growing the same one. your friend probably got the seed free from the tude as I did. good luck!

also what nutes/soil you using? nice dark green, looks perfect!