Positive vibes - hoping for 100% females! (hey, a guy can hope - lol)Was hoping to have the results from the first round of testing by this evening, but didn't get them. I just sent an email.
What’s up, amazing to see your progression man, keep fighting the good fight, your one of the good ones bro.
These were lab tested correct?For the remaining 5 that I recently popped resulted in the same, 2 out of 5 are female from testing.
USPS showing deliv of my Delta Leaf test's 8/24, I emailed this morning asking when will I be notified so I can pay..... yata yata need results ASAP.
I just received an email stating they have no record of deliv.here we go again...
While I am working with the Envy gear and doing the testing it kinda slowing me down on my goals. I got space but plant development is out the window. I was thinking the other day if I was still running fems I would have 2 full tents right now. So the other day I went back and forth on what to do and thought about getting some fem genetics in.
I saw something sometime ago about Clearwater and started checking them out. But then I told myself I can work with what I got, I got enough seeds, and yesterday that plan flew right out the fucking window!
I was prowling around the Clearwater thread and someone posted a sale going on at GLO, and like an idiot I took a look, plus I was drinking beer. So I caved and bought a pack.
Clearwater Genetics.
Neapolitan Swirl.
(Wedding Cake x Creamsicle #4)
Cold Stone.
(Gelato 41 x Creamsicle #4)
Malt Milkshake.
(Dosidos #18 x Creamsicle #4)
Guava Melt
(Guava Gelato x Creamsicle #4)
Purple Flavinoid
(Gelatti x Creamsicle #4)
Pint Sized
(Gello x Creamsicle #40)
So it looks like a lot of Blowpop and Creamsicle crosses are in my future!
I am about to order now and can’t decide between Neopolitan Swirl & Cereal Bars. Definitely wanna see how your grow turns out
I don't know man, if you can try and talk to Felipe. He is the one I've been emailing with and he has been helpful and quick. Yea I understand USPS is slow, but to me I feel whoever is delivering on that route needs to be trained more. When I spoke to a postal service rep, they had the correct address and he even said it sounds like the delivery person is the one having problems.
Hey Flat. I'm stealing your technique of using that garden wire to help hold lil sprouts up.
Flippin sweet that you have more time for what you enjoy!
Veg is looking good.
I want to smoke that flower!