flavouring your buds???

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
Never tried them, I use mollasses to sweeten my buds up, but that site is pretty cool.... The dude looks like a cross between Osama Bin Laden and Santa Claus with a chefs hat on! :D


Well-Known Member
Never tried them, I use mollasses to sweeten my buds up, but that site is pretty cool.... The dude looks like a cross between Osama Bin Laden and Santa Claus with a chefs hat on! :D
lol he dus look abit mental dont he lol would love to no how much they flavour the bud???


Well-Known Member
Never tried them, I use mollasses to sweeten my buds up, but that site is pretty cool.... The dude looks like a cross between Osama Bin Laden and Santa Claus with a chefs hat on! :D
where in the uk do ya get blackstrap mollases? ada look in a couple of supermarkets but none there? holland n barretts???


Well-Known Member
Yeh, Holland n Barretts do it, or you can get Lyle's black treacle from Tesco... (Exactly the same) :-P
thanks av been thinkin bout using mollases for a while, im in wk 4 of flower so i better hurry up, what bout flushing with mollases do ya do that?

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I use a blueberry flavored flushing agent. I've heard that putting sugar or molasses in your nutrients causes your roots to build up slime which suffocates them. It would sure smell better than this "Earth Juice™" stuff I've been using.


Well-Known Member
I use a blueberry flavored flushing agent. I've heard that putting sugar or molasses in your nutrients causes your roots to build up slime which suffocates them. It would sure smell better than this "Earth Juice™" stuff I've been using.
im growing blueberry would love to get a bluberry flushing agent, what is it called?


Well-Known Member
thanks for that m8 definatly gonna try and get sum, dus it really give much of the blueberry flavour tho?

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
It gives my plants a nice bubblegum flavor and smell. I guess it all depends on the strain. The flushing agent smells kinda like Redbull™ though. Weird...