Fleeing persecution from tyrannical laws


Well-Known Member
Let me start this thread with some background info. Currently I live in Indiana which has some of the harshest laws in the country in regards to cannabis. Our governor Mike Pence attempted to pass legislation to reduce the felony possession amount from <1 ounce to <1/3 of an ounce. Furthermore, a second arrest for possession (even less than 1/3 ounce) would automatically become a felony as well. The police enforce these laws very seriously as well, you will get arrested if they even find a roach in your own home. During his governor campaign Mike Pence received $15,000 in donations from our state private prison corporation, in return he promised to keep their cells as full as possible..

This is a completely outrageous injustice that I can't in good conscience support by my residency in this state. People smoke cannabis every single day in every single state and country all over the world. I do everything I can to be a law abiding citizen, if the state of Indiana considers me a criminal because of cannabis.. Well, there are 2 other states that do not. Sure, I could just continue enjoying cannabis anyways, living in fear of police, going to paranoid lengths to hide my activities, but I morally cannot continue to pay one more single cent in tax to that system which wants to see me behind bars.

I've heard it said before that we can also vote with our feet. I have no kids, girlfriend, close family, or any other real obligations here to speak of. I have an associates degree in engineering, extensive technical experience, and a midwestern work ethic. In a few weeks I plan on flying out to Denver for a working vacation for about 2 weeks. During that time I plan on aggressively applying for jobs, meeting cool people, and looking for housing. I welcome any advice for anyone currently living in Colorado or who has done something similar.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with that quote, and according to federal laws it is still illegal for anyone to use cannabis for any reason. One would think that with our insane ability to access any piece of information we desire we would have the most well informed public of any generation. The foundation for the freedom of our country rests on a well informed public. From my personal experience this is clearly not the case. While working this Memorial Day weekend I had a older customer tell me about her relative currently fighting over in Iraq. I was puzzled because I thought our troops had been withdrawn from that country, so I asked her to clarify. Her response was, "No, not Iraq, one of those other country's we're fighting".. The phrase "beating a dead horse", or "beating your head against the brick wall" comes to mind. I have far more important goals in my life than becoming another martyr in the war on drugs. Every single cannabis prisoner of war is following his/her obligation from a prison cell.

"I will never attend an anti-war rally, but if there is every a peace rally I will be there" -Mother Theresa.

"I'm gonna shoot them with their own fu**ing weapons" -Tupac

"Be the change you hope to see in the world" -Ghandi

The best solution IMHO is to let them die clinging to their unjust beliefs. Statisically 1/3 of those anti-drug crusaders will die of cancer, and many more have one foot in the grave already due to their old age. The largest demographic militantly opposed to cannabis barely knows how to check their email, or even do a google search. Mankind will cure cancer entirely, develop a desktop fusion reactor, and create warpdrive space travel long before you will ever change the mind of those ignorant people.


Well-Known Member
People need to grow a fucking pair let me tell you.

Over here in Spain with the crisis there were loads of people kicked out of their houses like over in america. Only difference is here some anarchist group was formed and a big mass of people would go and fight the police and the bank representative from kicking out whoever lived in that house. And people managed to carry on living at their homes.
Another example, in Catalunya there are loads of tolls on highways (europe theres a lot of toll roads, a great scam) however they are managed by a private company and theyre paid for. Theres a lot of people including myself who get to the pay point and simply refuse to pay. Since it is illegal to detain someone if youre not the police they have no option but to let you through.

Fucking revolt man! Let me tell you something if we had a prision industriAl complex that even had the tiniest whiff of being like the american one oh my days! Shit would pop off big time! Definetly wouldnt have that kinda crap flying about here. Turning imprisonment into a business?! Also publicly listed? Wtf?! Are you fucking INSANE?????


Well-Known Member

The company name is GEO and yes, "marijuana" consumers are their absolute favorite "customers". Think about it from the psychopathic perspective of someone with no soul. Someone who's only crime is cannabis will never cause any problems on the chain gain. Their labor can be exploited 100% with little risk to overall prison security, they can be trusted with almost any prison "job".

What kind of outrage do you expect? In America we're judged by a jury of our "peers". These "peers" are people on 5 different diabetes medications, eat McDonald's 3 times a week, and would gladly embrace their own death before they would ever try a cure that had anything to do with Cannabis. Suicide by modern medicine, they will be high as a kite off doctor approved opiate painkillers till the very end, even with the knowledge that they will die for certain, and this is only to ease the pain. Still, in ignorant martyr fashion, they will gladly reject any possible cure that doesn't conform to the 40 years of crystallized propaganda in their minds.

With that knowledge, I hope those kind of people die very fucking soon! That specific demographic of the population is nature's perfect natural selection. I can't even imagine what people diagnosed with a terminal illness might think. All I know is if that kind of diagnosis was ever given to me, I would literally go to the ends of the earth to find a cure.


Well-Known Member
People need to grow a fucking pair let me tell you.

Over here in Spain with the crisis there were loads of people kicked out of their houses like over in america. Only difference is here some anarchist group was formed and a big mass of people would go and fight the police and the bank representative from kicking out whoever lived in that house. And people managed to carry on living at their homes.
Another example, in Catalunya there are loads of tolls on highways (europe theres a lot of toll roads, a great scam) however they are managed by a private company and theyre paid for. Theres a lot of people including myself who get to the pay point and simply refuse to pay. Since it is illegal to detain someone if youre not the police they have no option but to let you through.

Fucking revolt man! Let me tell you something if we had a prision industriAl complex that even had the tiniest whiff of being like the american one oh my days! Shit would pop off big time! Definetly wouldnt have that kinda crap flying about here. Turning imprisonment into a business?! Also publicly listed? Wtf?! Are you fucking INSANE?????
Anarchism is deeply rooted in 19th to 20th century Spain.


Well-Known Member
Anarchism is deeply rooted in 19th to 20th century Spain.
A couple of days ago they shut down the biggest squat house in barcelona, i think one of the first in the country. A friend of mien showed me the protest list. There are literally dozens of proests happening in the city today and tommorow plus a few more dozens all around spain. I saw a couple of rubbish bins on fire already coming bac. Its popping off.


Well-Known Member
I also live in a zero tollerance state but im not leaving. I have decided to live my life how i want without giving in to the will of terrorists (police) and if a jury thinks i should go to jail for growing plants thenfuck it, I'll do my time and never give the state another penny. If Florida legalized, I'll probably move there because its close enough.

Colorado looks like a really nice place and its a good idea to check it out before moving there but if you do get a job there, you would still pay taxes to the feds and they are doing much worse things than your state is. If you really want to stick it to them just grow and sell in your state. It won't be taxed and since its illegal, you could make good money off it.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm sick and tired of the bs marijuana laws myself in the states.....I've thought about, and even started a thread, on what nice tropical island could I move to, and grow weed that I could sell to tourists ? Now that would be the life.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with that quote, and according to federal laws it is still illegal for anyone to use cannabis for any reason. One would think that with our insane ability to access any piece of information we desire we would have the most well informed public of any generation. The foundation for the freedom of our country rests on a well informed public. From my personal experience this is clearly not the case. While working this Memorial Day weekend I had a older customer tell me about her relative currently fighting over in Iraq. I was puzzled because I thought our troops had been withdrawn from that country, so I asked her to clarify. Her response was, "No, not Iraq, one of those other country's we're fighting".. The phrase "beating a dead horse", or "beating your head against the brick wall" comes to mind. I have far more important goals in my life than becoming another martyr in the war on drugs. Every single cannabis prisoner of war is following his/her obligation from a prison cell.

"I will never attend an anti-war rally, but if there is every a peace rally I will be there" -Mother Theresa.

"I'm gonna shoot them with their own fu**ing weapons" -Tupac

"Be the change you hope to see in the world" -Ghandi

The best solution IMHO is to let them die clinging to their unjust beliefs. Statisically 1/3 of those anti-drug crusaders will die of cancer, and many more have one foot in the grave already due to their old age. The largest demographic militantly opposed to cannabis barely knows how to check their email, or even do a google search. Mankind will cure cancer entirely, develop a desktop fusion reactor, and create warpdrive space travel long before you will ever change the mind of those ignorant people.

The troube with the public is they (us) have ben deliberately disinformed for generations

How many think america is a 'democracy' ///// How many confuse/dont know the difference between a soldier /security contractor


Well-Known Member
youre gonna end up fleeing in circles. there is no escape anymore...that is, if physical location is all you're concerned about. I can only judge by your post, so that seems to be the case. you won't escape oppression if you are only worried about the location of your soul vessel