Flkeys1 9x5 tent Jardin


Well-Known Member
Not too shabby for 2 months under cheap LED bulbs, imo.KIMG0582.jpg KIMG0583.jpg KIMG0586.jpg KIMG0589.jpg
Flipped lighting to 12/12 on 2/14 <3
Gallon grow bags using Coco Loco and two feedings of Maxsea Veg. Cannot complain. Excited to ssee the flowers development under these lights.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Dude those look awesome, which lights are you using again?
Combination of GE and Walmart "Great Value" LED socket bulbs. Daylight spectrum, a couple soft whites, and some random red LED bulbs. Total of 16 bulbs. Each uses about 11w and is equivalent to a 60w. I think I spent maybe $30 on all the bulbs. It may look silly to have all those splitters and bulbs, but it works for me.

And thanks for the compliment. :)


Well-Known Member
Combination of GE and Walmart "Great Value" LED socket bulbs. Daylight spectrum, a couple soft whites, and some random red LED bulbs. Total of 16 bulbs. Each uses about 11w and is equivalent to a 60w. I think I spent maybe $30 on all the bulbs. It may look silly to have all those splitters and bulbs, but it works for me.

And thanks for the compliment. :)
I'll be very interested in seeing how it all turns out!


Well-Known Member
Looking real nice :grin: we are using coco loco as well. Really like how spongy and light it is.
Thanks! The Coco is an awesome change from soil. Don't know if I'll go back. The Coco Loco is a bit pricey, though. I can't find it for any less than $19 a bag. I'll mix up my own next time.


Well-Known Member
They do not look as if they have lacked for anything.

Are you going to try to flower under those? That might be harder....

Thanks for sharing. Nice work.



Well-Known Member
Your plants are killing it!!!

Very impressive
Thanks FL! As are yours.
@Javadog , thanks! Yes I am already in flower... It will be harder, but I don't see how it'll be any more difficult than flowering under CFL.. I'm excited to see how it goes. 9 weeks falls on 4/25/16, my birthday. So hopefully something good happens from these LEDs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks FL! As are yours.
@Javadog , thanks! Yes I am already in flower... It will be harder, but I don't see how it'll be any more difficult than flowering under CFL.. I'm excited to see how it goes. 9 weeks falls on 4/25/16, my birthday. So hopefully something good happens from these LEDs.

April 26 Bday here

Who knew


Well-Known Member
It's a helluva job. Lol. My 8*8 takes me a bit to clean up. I do lean almost every watering but not deep clean. Just after each cycle.


Well-Known Member
My space is only 7x6 but I chop, clean and transplant the new round all in the same day. It's a hustle! I spray the walls with a water and bleach solution then vacuum and mop the concrete. I also pop out the hood glass to clean them. I try not to do it in front of my wife cuz I'll always catch shit about how I don't clean anything else that well :)