FLoJo's Vertical Round 3: Grand Daddy Purps + CO2 = Good Times!


Well-Known Member
ive heard bout that physan 20.. i wonder if they have it at my hydro store.. ill have to check tomorrow.. as for now im gonna do a 1 part- 10 part h202 and RO water solution to hand feed each plant over the top to kill the baddies at the stem, and then put about 6ml per gallon in my res to hold em over


Well-Known Member
im also thinkin about trying some hygrozyme for 24 hours to break down all the dead roots n shit in there


Well-Known Member
yea it will eat the dead root matter and spark new ones.

if it makes you feel anybetter.... i think im coming down with some pythium myself.

my roots look to have gotten smaller.

im in week 5 and it would kinda explain how my buds arent swelling up like i normally like them....i mean they are swelling up... but maybe its just a placeabo effect in my head.... i knew i shoulda installed that chiller, but didnt wanna fuck with roots in mid grow, yanno?

i've been dropping 4 water bottles when lights come on, mid day of lights on and 2 hours before lights out

tedious as hell! not to i hate fishing thru roots for water bottles


Well-Known Member
damn man that sucks to hear.. thats why im glad i got it early.. still got 3 weeks of good vegitative growth..

i have gotten the res down to a consistant 63 degrees with air temps at 81 so i think im good to go now..

i have been taking out each plant, manually taking off all the brown root tips that were exposed to air, and then pouring a strong h202 solution over the bottoms, and the tops of the stem..

so far i have done about 1/3 of em, and ill do the other ones tomorrow

i have also cut back the nutes to about 600 ppms, and added about 8ml per gallon of h202 to the mix.

ill be finishing the other ones tomorrow.. its a bitch.. they should come back around and start growing vigorously again in the next 4 or 5 days.. so far i think im only gonna lose 5 of them, which is good i suppose.. glad i caught it, and hopefully will be able to get rid of the shit... god bless h2o2 LOL


Well-Known Member
so the final death count due to dreaded pythium has been 5 lovely ladies....

however, i finally got it turned around, im about 2/3 done with my cleaning process so i will lay it out for any of you who experience root rot in the future..

step 1, i added a 6 inch can fan with ducting to blow cold air directly into my res.. got it down to about 62 degrees the first few days..

this slowed the pythium expansion to a crawl, so that i could do my dirty work without losing any more ground to the evil bastard..

then i took each plant individually, manually tore off all of the infected feeder roots on the bottom of the plant, and dipped the bottoms into a solution of 16 oz h202 per gallon of ph balanced water, with about 10ml per gallon of sm90.

then i took a cup, and poured the solution over the base of the stem to feed down into the root mass and kill whatever pythium was there..

then i pruned the plants as i would normally, to minimize the amount of vegetation that the root mass would have to support.

i also changed my res, dropped the ppm from 1100 to 700ish with a mixture of 1oz of h202 per gallon of water, to again kill off the pythium, as well as 5ml of sm90, and 8ml of hygrozyme to break down the dead roots and pythium..

i then brought my res temps up to 65 to allow maximum DO without slowing down growth..

and today my girls drank about 10 gallons which they have not done in about 3 or 4 days, so im finally winning the battle..

i still have about 20 plants left to remove the root matter and dip in h202 and sm90, but they are the best looking of the group, so they will be fine till tomorrow (my back is killing me!)

once i get them all cleaned off and pruned up, i will go ahead and re-arrange the plants for maximum efficiency.. i will put the largest plants on the bottom two rows, and the smaller ones on the top, and move the bulbs down a bit for better coverage to the larger plants..

then i will also re-arrange the babies in the ebb n flow system, and lolipop them.. they have not been effected by the root rot as much since they did not have a large root mass to begin with, and still have a good amount of development to go...

again, i am so glad that this happened in the beginning of flowering, so that my bud development will not be effected, only the vegetative growth, so shouldnt hurt my yield too too much (wishful thinking)

but i will continue to keep the res temps optimal, and the room at 80 degrees, and once i get them all fixed up and moved around, and drinking heavily again, i will crank up the co2 ppm back to 1500...

just wanted to give yall un update, i will post pics this next week once i have everything trimmed up and moved around.

any questions lemme kno!



Well-Known Member
do you think the cause ofthe root is do to the rockwool blocks? you didnt have any problems like that when in hydroton did you? good luck hope it doesnt hurt you to much.


Well-Known Member
lol funny story about those sticky blue traps, i got some for my last grow and i had set them down on this chair and i sat on it and i had a sticky blue pest trap on my ass for hours. lol that shit is no joke, its so sticky to wash off your hands even lol, they work so good though, i forgot where i bought em at lol but they are the same exact ones


Active Member
Man I FN love this grow... I will be building a VERY SIMILIAR UNIT...almost exact, i understand the build of it all but when watering, how exactly is it done??? The pump is on a timer and does it really evenly disperse the water without disrupting the root system..like i said i understand horoughly how to construct it..but the plumbing is extremely hard to follow...can u shed some light on it?


Well-Known Member
yeah a few people on this board have me wanting to do a vertial grow, wish i had the space, give us a update soon


Well-Known Member
ya man, im good to go.. i stopped the spread of the rot, but there was some pretty bad necrosis around the base of the stems.. i have started to see some new root growth, but i have come to the decision that instead of extending my lease another month to complete this grow, im just going to take some clones and chop em down.. i really just dont feel like battling it for another month and a half every day, when there really is no guarantee that i can keep it under control..

sorry to cut this one short fellas, but its just not worth the headache!

any questions or comments let me know!


Well-Known Member
ya man, im good to go.. i stopped the spread of the rot, but there was some pretty bad necrosis around the base of the stems.. i have started to see some new root growth, but i have come to the decision that instead of extending my lease another month to complete this grow, im just going to take some clones and chop em down.. i really just dont feel like battling it for another month and a half every day, when there really is no guarantee that i can keep it under control..

sorry to cut this one short fellas, but its just not worth the headache!

any questions or comments let me know!
hahaha, Yeah I did the same thing, just decided I dont wanna work my ass off for a half ass grow. Packed up all my gear for September when I'll be getting a mortgage.

Im tired of half ass grows and rentals. I want to get in and set shit up right the first time.

Ill be looking forward to hearing about your next grow.
Take care



Well-Known Member
ya i just dont see it as being very cost effective.. right now my rent is extremely expensive, and best case scenario, i would get about 50 percent of my expected harvest since by the time they recover, they will be budding out, and have missed out on almost 4 weeks of vegetative stretching..

vertical growing is definitely the way of the future, but in order for it to be effective it needs to be set up right.. this is not very viable in a renting situation..

my next grow will be 2 3x6 ebb n flow tables, flowered from clone, at 72 plants per table. this way it can be broken down and moved easily if needed, whereas with this setup, in an apartment, its just psycho LOL

thanks for following this grow, sorry to disappoint, even though i said i wouldnt LOL


Well-Known Member
your still a insperation flo my vert is about 2 days away keep an eye out for dukes vertical mini monster I'm sure you'll see some resembalance. LOL I'll start a thread this weekend and I'll do want your input. sorry you lost this round 2 KO's out of 3 aint bad though