Well-Known Member
I know you said you weren't interested in ebb and flo but i have built a system and tweeked it over the last year and think i have solved the flood issues but never say never lol. It is basically a flood and drain system that recircs 24/7 with upper 6" deep tray and lower 130L res. i have a drain at 4" high so a constant water level of 4" also there is a overflow drain off of the side of each tray 1" below the top. If the primary drain becomes clogged the water runs out the overflow. I have no airstones and the waterfall effect as well as floomers on pump discharge nozzles add oxygen. Each tray is appr 2x4 with 6 plants each. Each system is less than $125.00 to build and very simple to maintain. I have ran the trays through appr 8 runs with no issues but i do clean out the primary drain once halfway through a run depending on strain! Good luck with what ever you decide!