Floranova users happy with it????Many questions


Well-Known Member
Ok, after much thought and countless hours of reading. I'm in the air on using Floranova over GH's 3 part. I'd just like some reassurance that I'm making a good decision?

My set-up: EBB&Flow, with a 35 gallon res. I use well water that I told has a high iron content and is hooked up to a softener. Does high iron affect hydro much? Also I told my landlord to stop adding salt to the softener since I heard it does serious damage to plants. My water comes out at 130 ppm. Will Floranova work fine with well water? Also does nova need air stones in the res? I'm going to use Flora plus and Liquid koolbloom.

I'm mainly thinking of going with Floranova because of how simple it is to use...or so it seems. I need some feedback soon, I'm giong to the hydro store sometime this week to get my nutes and other supplies.

Big P

Well-Known Member
i use the flora 3 part series. and i think its hands down the best quality formula and price.

the flora nova although i never tried it, I think its much less popular than the flora series and there must be a reason for it

I only say this cuz I see the flora nova discounted a lot, like they are trying to get rid of old stock

I suggest frloa 3 parts series and then use koolbloom adder for flowering :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats what I keep reading and that is why I am on the fence. I guess the 3-part is just so reliable its hard to see why not to use it. I'm adding the cons and pros of both and there are more cons to nova than 3-part....hmmmm decisions decisions.


Well-Known Member
I am using FloraNova. Holy shit! THis stuff is amazing. Agerage tempis about 75, res temps low 70's, running the nutes at about 1000 ppm. I use Superthrive and micron filtrated water (down to .2 micron through carbon) at about 60 ppm, the water from tap runs an average of 130 ppm. I have never seen plants grow this fast. It contains a better nutrient profike and contains additive such as fulvic and humic acids as well as other growth stimulants. I highly recomend the Nova series. Master kush never showed signs over everfeeding even at levels as high as 1300 ppm (I know way too high, oops). Northern Lights #5 showed only minor signs of overfeeding and was/is growing about 1/4 to 1/2" a day on every growiing tip, supercropping and tying down. Very concentrated. Go with the nova. shop around too you can save yourself $10 a quart if you do. Good luck!

Big P

Well-Known Member
I am using FloraNova. Holy shit! THis stuff is amazing. Agerage tempis about 75, res temps low 70's, running the nutes at about 1000 ppm. I use Superthrive and micron filtrated water (down to .2 micron through carbon) at about 60 ppm, the water from tap runs an average of 130 ppm. I have never seen plants grow this fast. It contains a better nutrient profike and contains additive such as fulvic and humic acids as well as other growth stimulants. I highly recomend the Nova series. Master kush never showed signs over everfeeding even at levels as high as 1300 ppm (I know way too high, oops). Northern Lights #5 showed only minor signs of overfeeding and was/is growing about 1/4 to 1/2" a day on every growiing tip, supercropping and tying down. Very concentrated. Go with the nova. shop around too you can save yourself $10 a quart if you do. Good luck!

sup homebrew, what did you use before you used the floranova?


Well-Known Member
There are 3 concerns with floranova:

1) This shit is thick as mud and requires plenty of physical labor to mix. The benefit is that a little goes a long way making it very cost effective.

2) It is organic and is "dirty". You will see more shit accumulating in plumbing and pumps than with the 3 part. Though being organic can, of course, be considered a benefit. It is a lot easier to control ph... than with other organic nutes I've used, if you are interested in organics.

3) You lose the control that you get with mixing 3 different blends at different rates to tailor to your plants needs. This simplicity in and of itself could also be considered a benefit.

I'd recommend against it in an aero system, but for a DWC or ebb and flow, it is worth considering.


Well-Known Member
Flora 3 part series is for hydro and aero applications.....Flora Nova series is for soil grows. works excellent in my opinion..i have used it indoors and outdoors. I also use the Floralicious Plus and will dabble with the liquid Kool Bloom this time around.



Active Member
Damn, I thought there were more posts than this, lol. I am interested about nova series as well using ebb and flow


Well-Known Member
The more I think about it the more I'm leaning to using the Lucas Formula. Nova has to many cons I think....A bitch to mix, a bitch to clean, could clog up pumps/hoses, turns roots an odd color. And the lucas formula only seems to get good reviews. I just gotta get me a cheap RO system and I should be set to use it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
The more I think about it the more I'm leaning to using the Lucas Formula. Nova has to many cons I think....A bitch to mix, a bitch to clean, could clog up pumps/hoses, turns roots an odd color. And the lucas formula only seems to get good reviews. I just gotta get me a cheap RO system and I should be set to use it.

I asked a sr. member hear about the lucas formula, his name is potroast,

he has been tried everything almost over the years. he told me lucas formula didnt seem too special to him when he tried it

I find using the directions on the 3 part flora series is the best way, after all it was developed by great minds & scientists

im convinced cuz my first grow i pulled almost 1lb off my 400 watt light and I was a noob


Well-Known Member
General Hydro nutes are the shit...3 part is for HYDRO AND AERO....NOVA series works better in soil applications.



Active Member
I was going to go FloraNova for ease but have changed my mind. Thank you all for posting, especially WeedCreed for creating the thread. Lots of help.