Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
well i got two seedlings now and they seem to be taking off. if your growing outside, you have like minimum amount of time and you need to get them in the ground. to be honest you wont get too much for yeild but ya still can get somethin outta the deal.


Well-Known Member
Im coming up on my first harvest outdoors. my ladies are doing incredible and u should deff have enough time for some lowryders if u plant soon, sun stays blazing down here in jupiter


Well-Known Member
yeah you have plenty of sunshine and about 3 to 4 weeks left you can get for veggie. flower time is comming up really quick though


Well-Known Member
yeah i have a few lowrider #2 x ak-47 seeds im gonna try outside i just hope they dont drown since the peak of hurricane season is almost here, and i have a few skunk #1 goin indoors if it ends up not working out...


Well-Known Member
well its not the hurricanes that will kill it. i have problems with afternoon showers. sometimes it rains so hard it floods my yard. thats the biggest threat. so plant it on a incline of some sort so it doesnt drown


Well-Known Member
We all should take some initiation and start something for MMJ in FLA(would be a good slogan)! But we have to do something soon!


Well-Known Member
Just for everyone's information:

Medical Marijuana: Florida Petition Drive Under Way

from Drug War Chronicle, Issue #580, 4/10/09

In a true grassroots effort, a group of Floridians organized as People United for Medical Marijuana (PUFMM) has begun an effort to put a medical marijuana initiative on the November 2010 ballot. The group needs some 687,000 valid signatures of registered voters in the next nine months to qualify.

The group is not affiliated with any national organization and says it needs $5 million for the signature gathering drive and the election campaign. Unlike more traditional initiative campaigns, PUFMM is relying heavily on Internet-based activism. The group's Facebook page already has 4,800 members, and PUFMM is counting on cascading new memberships to gather what it hopes is 1.2 million signatures, providing a very comfortable cushion at validation time. PUFMM is also hoping for each signatory to kick in $5. That way, the group could meet its self-imposed budget goal.

"Patients need a safe, affordable and effective medication. We hope Florida will lead the nation in marijuana research to further its uses as a medicine," PUFMM head Kim Russell, whose father suffers from Parkinson's Disease, told the Cape Coral Daily Breeze."There is absolute support, we just have to get everyone organized," she said, citing favorable national polling data.

If approved, the petition would create a constitutional amendment that reads as follows:

"(a) No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property or otherwise penalized for the cultivation, purchase, use or possession of marijuana in connection with the treatment of Alzheimer's, cachexia, cancer, chronic pain, chronic nervous system disorders, Crohn's disease, epilepsy and other seizure disorders, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, diseases causing muscle spasticity, or other diseases and conditions when recommended by a physician.

"(b) This section shall be self-executing. The legislature, however, may provide by general law for the voluntary registration of persons intending to exercise their rights hereunder and for the regulation of the distribution and sale of marijuana to persons intending to exercise their rights hereunder.

"(c) Nothing herein, however, shall be construed so as to prevent the legislature from enacting laws penalizing the operation of motor vehicles, boats, watercraft or aircraft while under the influence of marijuana or regulating the use of marijuana by minors. Similarly, all laws in effect at the time of adoption of this section penalizing the operation of motor vehicles, boats, watercraft or aircraft while under the influence of marijuana or regulating the use of marijuana by minors shall remain in force."

The proposed amendment does not create limits on the number of plants or the amount of usable marijuana patients may possess. It appears to leave that up to the legislature. In fact, PUFMM would prefer that the legislature just went ahead and passed a medical marijuana bill and is asking people to write to their representatives in the hope of achieving just that. "We are hoping they will submit a bill rather than a ballot initiative," Russell said. "The Internet is a huge resource for us."

While the effort is just a week old, it has already been denounced by the Florida Sheriff's Association and by Bill Janes, director of Florida's Office of Drug Control. "When we increase the availability of marijuana we increase the availability for young people," Janes said. "What this petition doesn't address is how the marijuana will be controlled. Will we just allow random growing of marijuana?"


Well-Known Member
Have been doing my part,And RT76 has been also.
I was until 3 weeks ago when I started working 70 hours a week and hating the universe. I was going to go to the beach and bake tonight to get away from life but my presence has been requested elsewhere. (MM I was going to PM and see if you wanted to do some night shore or pier fishing...maybe next time.) Screw it, my friends are going to have to deal with me stoned because sober me is likely to commit homicide right now.

Awaiting the vape to warm up.



Well-Known Member
I was until 3 weeks ago when I started working 70 hours a week and hating the universe. I was going to go to the beach and bake tonight to get away from life but my presence has been requested elsewhere. (MM I was going to PM and see if you wanted to do some night shore or pier fishing...maybe next time.) Screw it, my friends are going to have to deal with me stoned because sober me is likely to commit homicide right now.

Awaiting the vape to warm up.

What kind of vape do you have.
And fishing is always a possibility.


Well-Known Member
What kind of vape do you have.
And fishing is always a possibility.

I have 2 vapes.. A hotbox, my 'home piece' and a Vapir O2 mini ... my portable piece. That way I'm set no matter where I have to be :D

I'd love to sit on Pier 60, vape, and fish, but I have to go to this gathering or I'll be committing a party foul, otherwise I'd already have the gear in the van and be headed to Clearwater.

I'll drop you a PM maybe later this week, or over the weekend.

Peace (yup a little toasty already)



Well-Known Member
I have 2 vapes.. A hotbox, my 'home piece' and a Vapir O2 mini ... my portable piece. That way I'm set no matter where I have to be :D

I'd love to sit on Pier 60, vape, and fish, but I have to go to this gathering or I'll be committing a party foul, otherwise I'd already have the gear in the van and be headed to Clearwater.

I'll drop you a PM maybe later this week, or over the weekend.

Peace (yup a little toasty already)

Sounds good RT76
I need to get a vape
Have fun and stay baked :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
if i lived there i would go fishing with ya all i do is smoke fish and take care of the kids. fishing is my life. but yea on a better note. if my plant seems to be going into flower mode and theres new growth in the nodes. its small growth though. but say in a few months at harvest will that new growth have buds on it or is the new growth gonna stop at a point?


Well-Known Member
...at harvest will that new growth have buds on it or is the new growth gonna stop at a point?
Every "top", no matter how small, will become a budsite..

By week 3 of 12/12 maybe week 4 of flowering outdoors... you should not see any more new new growth...

And she will concentrate on making buds...

Speaking of which... I flipped my big girls...:hump:

Here's how they look now...:weed: the music is pretty good too... for some old guys in a moldy basement...;-)

About all I can say is that I am pleased... considering what I started with...:lol:

Many thanks a million times over to M Blaze for his willingness to share his PROVEN knowledge..:clap:

Let's get on with the show shall we...

Please press play.. and remember to support you local Nomads...


The Girls all together...:weed:

Such a pretty canopy.. I just giggle...:eyesmoke:

And I can only guess that big plants turn FAST.. . cause I'm starting to see some MAJOR action on the tops...:lol: ALL of them...:razz:

I kinda have a feeling this branch is going to need some MAJOR support..:lol::clap: guess that's what FIMming does.. eh?!?!?!:wink:

ok, some more budlets...:weed:

They sure filled in ...:lol: I guess sticking another plant in the middle helped to... :eyesmoke:

Here are the under-sides....

I have a feeling I need to consider a major prune session here... but I have been waiting, hoping that some might stretch enough and reach for th elight.. But I gotta say things are getting pretty full...:lol:


southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
if i lived there i would go fishing with ya all i do is smoke fish and take care of the kids. fishing is my life. but yea on a better note. if my plant seems to be going into flower mode and theres new growth in the nodes. its small growth though. but say in a few months at harvest will that new growth have buds on it or is the new growth gonna stop at a point?
do u have a wood smoke house


Well-Known Member
if i lived there i would go fishing with ya all i do is smoke fish and take care of the kids. fishing is my life. but yea on a better note. if my plant seems to be going into flower mode and theres new growth in the nodes. its small growth though. but say in a few months at harvest will that new growth have buds on it or is the new growth gonna stop at a point?
Now i love smoked fish


Well-Known Member
I call her the monster, big time LST, you can see where I bent her over and curved around the pot.....and believe it or not i veged under a couple cfls, you might be suprised how big of bushes you can veg under CFLs......32 0z gatorade for comparsion.

last pics are more recent really packing on the bud.....its a purpe wreck BTW

That tv is 4.5 tall and 4 feet wide for comparsion

