Florida Growers Thread

I know what you mean Im a 4th generation floridan. and watch the place go to shit,Ive been living here for 20 years.I think im outa here,probably move to tennesse for some privacy. IT would be nice not to worry about nieghbors smelling my shit

Fourth gen here, too. lol. Yah, all the illegal immigrants are really fucking up Central Florida, and they're migrating east into Cocoa. bah. Thinking of moving to some medicinal state. :D Just came back from West Palm and Miami the other day. shit. Florida is dying.
I have heard great things of outdoor growing in Florida, I am more an indoor play god sealed room woman.

I can't believe we are getting droughts... what is this CA? :lol:
Can't even wash my car, No one ever thought it would happen here I bet

And don't get me started on hurricanes... Thankfully I have a big generator out back.
Wilma ruined my crop :(

Bad thing about growing outdoors in Florida: spider mites. Fuckers are everywhere. I have these plumerias I brought back from Hawaii, little shits ate every leaf and put the plants into shock.
actually if your in the right location, and right soil. plants can explode. a couple years ago. i planted in may. came back in late june and had 10+ foot tall palnts. well hurricanes hit and washed my plants away into the swamp. you have alot of ?. let me see if i can answer them. Bugs can be a problem if u dont take proper precautions with your crop, we have been having dry past 2 years in FLA so enough h20 could be a problem. They dont give a shit about the heat IMO. Im no expert on outdoor FLA grow. but i know enough. its just like anywhere else, just alot more attention t bugs and what not.

Most of the 'soil' here in Florida is SaNd. That's right, it's hard as hell to grow without digging out an area, and bringing in some new grow media. Then when you dig down, oh let's say, about 6 feet, you hit water in most areas. Especially CFL.
:lol: Is Orlando still considered Hick Country?

I do Remember running in the middle of the night in the gated community on Hypoluxo and dixie and being stopped by some guy wearing marti gras beads drunk as hell. He asked me to come in and hang out with his friends, So wearing my running gear I got drunk, smoked some awesome dank and they taught me how to play darts.

Maybe I needed to live there longer... the water view was beautiful.

hhaha, no, it's really considered Little Puerto Rico. Listen, I'm no racist, so don't take it that way. ;)
And I don't give a shit if it's hick country. That's what I'm looking for. Lots of woods, few neighbors, cheap property. Sounds good to me...And you don't think there's rednecks in S. Florida? I didn't go a day without seeing a confederate flag flying out of somebody's truck. And I had a lot of redneck friends. Took their trucks muddin, owned 4 wheelers and dirt bikes most of my life, the whole 9 yards. I think you got a misconception of S. Florida. It isn't all Miami, dude.

Hate to break it to you, but Bithlo is really the only hick area left of CFL.
i dunno i know alot of hick areas near the west coast of central florida. lol i got 5 more generations on you guys. WOOT WOOT! because my long hair just cant cover up my red neck-david allen coe
Its really hard to grow indoors here because of the heat. If you don't have A/C your plants will fry. I got mine in hydro in my small garage w/ A/C and still running on the hot side in JUN-JULY-Aug. Winter time is the best for growing here.
Yeah man I know what your talking about. You ever been to mudfest billybob? You strike as the kind of person who would have a blast out there. Those were good times.
So you never been to mudfest billybob? What kind of Florida redneck are you? I'm not even a redneck and I've been three or 4 times....A kid we knew had one of those big ass swamp buggy things with the monster truck tires (forgot what they're called). But, we just drove that thing around the place throwing out beads to girls flashing us their tits...Good times. I think I'll go this year since I'll be back in Florida.
Fourth gen here, too. lol. Yah, all the illegal immigrants are really fucking up Central Florida, and they're migrating east into Cocoa. bah. Thinking of moving to some medicinal state. :D Just came back from West Palm and Miami the other day. shit. Florida is dying.
Hey what's wrong with West Palm:evil:....There's still country left in West Palm. That's where all the rednecks live and where I lived. West Palm is the greatest, man. I had the best of both worlds, lived in the country but was still only 15 minutes from the action of downtown West Palm Beach........And where's Blitho at?
I would love to spend the winter on the beach in Florida.. I keep saying I am going to do it and then i get busy
You should do it...South beach in Miami is awesome:hump:...By far, the most beautiful women in the entire world are there.........And I don't want to hear no shit from you north florida rednecks for me saying that:mrgreen: J/k.

Okeechobee. I think there might be others but I'm not sure. I just found these pics onlines...It's just a bunch of crazy ass rednecks playin in the mud with a mardi gras twist.....Oh man, I remember we were yellin for one girl to flash and her dad yelled at us, 'she's only 16. WTF's wrong with you.' But, then she flashed us right in front of her dad. LoL that was just wrong:-?
Wow mud fest and all... I have never been much for that. I do a lot of camping and friends and I like to go out into the everglades to camp out.

Haven't done it in years, I started doing more camping in other states attending burning man events.

Miss the good ol' everglade trips with the ATVs... till my friend's got stolen... fucking south florida... its nice till someone steals ur shit.