Well-Known Member
Of course if someone ripped off your grow you'd be on these thread calling them a bunch of mofo faggots, right? I would have walked right by them....have some ethics.
I agree with CJ on this one, I would never take someones bud out of a guerrilla grow, that's just a huge bummer man.
I do however have a question. Let say someone is running a guerrilla grow and you happen to stumble upon it. Would it be such a terrible thing if you were to gently take a single cutting as long as it were done carefully and made sure to stress the plant as little as possible? I've wondered about this having seen a few outdoor grows that aren't terribly well hidden. If it were my grow, I don't think I'd be particularly upset and would rather wish the person luck in their grow than getting bent about a tiny shoot that had nothing to do with bud development.
If the plants in full flower and it could effect the harvest then I would strongly disagree, but a cutting in veg. Any thoughts? I'm just curious as to how people feel.