Florida Growers Thread




I fuckin' LOVE it Bro...:clap:


and here's some crappy low res shots of Cindy at 7 weeks and 3 days of flowering... (7x7=49 + 3 = 52 days of flowering)


This is the top cola... my computer is too full to even rotate the pics.. sorry...


and now the lower branches...





God dammit gypsy bush y dont u start a journal or sumpting second time running into these gorgouse ass girls making me fucking jealouse
I have a journal... :razz: can you not see the link in my sig?

I just figure there are people here that do not subscribe to my journal... but would still enjoy seeing these...

Why you jealous?? you live in a FIELD of GANJA...:clap:
doesnt life just fucking suck right now

I try, and I mean really try to look at things in as positive a light as possible. Things could defiantly be better for everyone. We're in a recession, MJ remains illegal, pretty much everyone is tired and broke, some things are moving way too fast, other things that we need are moving way too slow. Regardless of political affiliation I think everyone in general is disappointed with our government. So you can say that that things fucking suck, or you could take the position that it can only get better, or you can say that things will only get worse before they get better, or you can just say that this is how life fucking is.

I'm not sure of everyones age, but my parents went through the recession of the late 70's to early 90's and survived. I call my mom regularly and tell her that adultery isn't nearly as much fun as infancy was.

I watched an old movie called Pump Up The Volume the other night, it's a classic from when I was an early teen and one that I really liked back then. There's a monologue in the movie where Chrstian Slater says, "Life sucks, but that's the point, surviving it, is the point."

Watching the movie 15 years later, it pretty much sucked and is a teen angst movie, but I think that line has some pretty strong relevance. Hang in there, I would say that very few of us are all that 'satisfied' with things right now. Stick with it, who the hell knows what will really happen in the future, but the idea is to just get through it alive.

Or as a button I once had said, "Life, why take it seriously, you're not going to get out alive."

So ya life pretty much fucking sucks right now, but we can hope that it sucks a little less tomorrow. Or if it continues to suck that it will kindly swallow at then end.

Yeah I lived and worked both of those recessions....But even then we could build a house and make 10g's now you might loose 10..and so it goes

Nice Job GB

I fuckin' LOVE it Bro...:clap:


and here's some crappy low res shots of Cindy at 7 weeks and 3 days of flowering... (7x7=49 + 3 = 52 days of flowering)


This is the top cola... my computer is too full to even rotate the pics.. sorry...


and now the lower branches...






Cindy is looking nice GB
any of ya'll from the ocala area? and i agree florida is the shit i dream of bein able to grow outdoors here but 5-0 is super clever around here. even indoors is hard todo i think the number of houses busted around here since the beginning of 08 is somewhere upwards towards like 40 houses.
RT76...sorry to hear that man. Now I kinda of feel bad for asking. Lets all take a puff for RT76 :joint:.

I have about ten guys in my office who I'm sure will sign a petition. What do we have to do to help with the legalization?

Question? How bad would it be if you got caught in Florida growing with about say 10 - 15 plants. Can't you still claim personal use at that level. Would any body even waist their time trying to put together a case against you. I figured they go after the big grows... the million dollar jobs. I mean I know it's illegal, but does anyone know somebody who got caught? And how bad was the sentence?

Anything over twenty five plants and you are going to jail, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. I've been living in the same area for over twenty years in central florida and I have yet to hear of anyone being busted for growing in my area. The laws in Florida are actually pretty harsh. Anything over twenty grams and it's a felony. Anyone can find their state's laws on norml's website.

RT...sorry to hear about your girls.
central fl here and i do better outside takes a lil longer but well worth it. and milk and cereal ocala is close to me but u sound like a straight up cop
brevard county here.......to many bugs to grow outdoors ,plus to much rain sometimes.

Yeah I now agree that Brevard county can be rough going outdoors. I lost about 20 plants at the start of the season first due to drought (through April) and then to massive flooding (in May) - my fault for wanting to start sativas early... But otherwise I've had 3 plants completely destroyed by deer (just last week - my 3 biggest =/), 2 in really bad shape from insects (caterpillars/grass hoppers/mites) ... and just 5 plants that are hanging in there looking good.

Funny thing is, the 5 that are doing the best I haven't even needed to water once nor use any insecticide on since they got over 12" - while all the ones I lost took up a lot of care and died anyway. The living are just in good spots I suppose.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that we avoid any hurricanes or tropical storms for my remaining ones. If one does hit, there's a good chance this year might be a total loss or close to it.

On the other hand, I'm enjoying the grow more with having fewer plants. :hump:
yeah i just start off with 4 and usually end up with two and i started inside in the past but im sticking to outside grow
really why is that? just wondering out of curiousity cause i think its funny.

Low post count, immediate 'claiming' of location, as well as immediately asking where everyone was from...

all red flags to those with heightened senses of paranoia...

That is all... I'm off to spot the Black Copters.

Donning TinFoil Hat ...

-RT76 Out!
Low post count, immediate 'claiming' of location, as well as immediately asking where everyone was from...

all red flags to those with heightened senses of paranoia...

That is all... I'm off to spot the Black Copters.

Donning TinFoil Hat ...

-RT76 Out!

well i hadn't posted much on here cause i was just using this site for reference before...i guess you guys are just really paranoid or something.