Florida Growers Thread

Blowin' Smoke

Active Member
Just a heads up stay clean of simply hydro in Clearwater -- I heard of a major sting op that just broke out last weekend so just keep your eyes out...
That store is always getting fucked with. That's the store where the cops put up cameras to get people license plates. Plus they followed one a the people that worked there, and saw that every day after work he went to this building, so they checked the power bill... Busted 85 plants I think it was. Google it. Shit's always happening at that store.

I talk to the guy that got arrested all the time but didn't know if it would be rude to bring up. I'm just curious of what he got. 25 plants is supposed to minimum mandatory and he had 85. It wasn't that long ago, and he's still free.

Big Trees

Well-Known Member
ya it passed senate 32-2 and state house 112-3 but it doesn't completely ban them. A store selling them must derive 75% of their profits from tobacco. I'm not worried I got a nice zob inline with an 8-arm toro ash catcher. not planning on buying a new bong anytime soon


Well-Known Member
I just got pulled out of boarding school, and now am homeschooled living w/ my parents in south tampa. If anyone would be willing to sell to me or give me a hookup youd be making my life aloooot better
I thought you had to be 18 to be here?


Yeah Simply hydro has been a trouble spot around here but, so has every other place. Head shops,garden shops ect.. they lost a lot of their cases because of the way they conducted investigations. Trespassing n whatever crooked way they can get a convection. Knocking on doors then kicking them in cus they "could hear the sound of stems breaking."


Well-Known Member
FLL in the house..make a gravity bong dummies or order online..this ban bong bill is nothing new..just go in and ask "may I see your TOBACCO pipes please? Smoke shops have been getting ready for this a long time now.

It was noted that one law maker said 'if they can go to Georgia for fireworks then they can buy their bongs there too'..hmm fireworks and bongs..never knew they went hand in hand ROFL.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Simply hydro has been a trouble spot around here but, so has every other place. Head shops,garden shops ect.. they lost a lot of their cases because of the way they conducted investigations. Trespassing n whatever crooked way they can get a convection. Knocking on doors then kicking them in cus they "could hear the sound of stems breaking."
Schuylaar's Stealth in SOFLA..don't open the door for no one..not even popo..NO ONE unless they are an EXPECTED GUEST. You must resist the temptation..much like not putting your hand down the garbage disposal and turning it on just to "see what would happen".


No doubt! I hope people don't open door for popo! Less they want to see what hand in garbage disposal does when turned on.. Man, im so not techno. How do you guys get avatars and profiles n shit on here. I want some lips like yours..


Well-Known Member
No doubt! I hope people don't open door for popo! Less they want to see what hand in garbage disposal does when turned on.. Man, im so not techno. How do you guys get avatars and profiles n shit on here. I want some lips like yours..
Unfortunately, it's genetics..but at the off chance that you'd like to replicate, go to the MAC counter and ask for LIPGLASS in


O, no! if those are yours id much rather look at yours than my replicated ones. besides, that was just my way of making you own up to them;-)


Well-Known Member
First of all, I apologize. I'm sure the answer to my question is in here somewhere, but I don't think it is practical to read through 530 pages in order to maybe find it.

I'm hoping the outdoor growers can give me some advice on strain selection. I did my first outdoor grow this year and thought everything would go as planned, but they began flowering early; almost as soon as I'd planted them outside. I get 14 hours of sunlight max, which seems to trigger the plants to flower. Are their any strains that WON'T flower with a 13/11 schedule? I was hoping to veg all summer outdoors and harvest in the fall.

Any ideas or comments are appreciated. Thanks!

Oh, just incase anyone is wondering. I was/am growing Blue Dream at the moment and I'm almost exactly at 30 degrees latt.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I apologize. I'm sure the answer to my question is in here somewhere, but I don't think it is practical to read through 530 pages in order to maybe find it.

I'm hoping the outdoor growers can give me some advice on strain selection. I did my first outdoor grow this year and thought everything would go as planned, but they began flowering early; almost as soon as I'd planted them outside. I get 14 hours of sunlight max, which seems to trigger the plants to flower. Are their any strains that WON'T flower with a 13/11 schedule? I was hoping to veg all summer outdoors and harvest in the fall.

Any ideas or comments are appreciated. Thanks!

Oh, just incase anyone is wondering. I was/am growing Blue Dream at the moment and I'm almost exactly at 30 degrees latt.
where you are it seems like your pretty much screwed as far as being able to veg plants. if i were you i would just plant more plants and grow it like some of the indoor guys do 12/12 from a seed. OR you can veg plants indoors and flower outdoors which i like to do later in the season here during the natural flower months.

OH! and definitely dont put any clones outdoors there lol. you'll get a bud on a stick.