NORML say 1-25 plants 5 years and 5k fine. Felony for concentrates? What does that mean?
That is what NORML says anyway. I am just wondering if there is anyone that has first hand experience with being charged for that many plants and what was their sentence. schuylaar, have you had any experience with this?
I doubt you will find too many cultivators on RIU if they've been busted before; they would pry be to paranoid about it happening again. I put it to the back of my mind, because if you are smart and cover all the bases, getting busted should be the least of your worries. Never tell anyone that you're growing, keep your lights on at night and off during the day (this keeps temps down, limits electricity peaks while AC on), if anyone has to come to the grow house, ensure grow room looks like normal room with door shut and don't act paranoid. Couple weeks ago, I had my landlord working with plumbing repairman who had to walk by my grow room and the repairman even opened the door to it to inspect the hot water heater, but didn't even notice the plants or smell. Talk about freaking out, but I stayed calm and didnt become paranoid and they fixed the leak and left without a word. Mother Mary must been lookin out for me!!
I have three odor absorbers, automatic air fresh sprayer, and coffee/ tea grounds; they can just get barely keep the smell down. I got 6 girls in flower and another should be showing first pistils in day or so, with 2 of those about week-week and half from harvest.
i run an open air reflector so no forced air or scrubber for me. just an oscillating fan but we smoke lots of herb all day so it pry smells like dank in my apt 24/7
I have three odor absorbers, automatic air fresh sprayer, and coffee/ tea grounds; they can just get barely keep the smell down. I got 6 girls in flower and another should be showing first pistils in day or so, with 2 of those about week-week and half from harvest.