Florida needs help!

the russian man

Active Member
aouthwest florida here i need help on people thought of when i should star growing i have a bagseed of about 200-300 seeds and idk im gonna use foxfarms and some nutes and i got a setup with a pump and a drip system(im too lazy to water all the plants my self) so please help guys


Well-Known Member
If you are going to invest money in nutes, fox farm, pump, and or drip system.. I would not use bagseed. I would use a tried and true strain of which I have grown before and with which I am happy with. I would also think long and hard about using any kind of seed at all, except a few for "personal". I would run clones. simply due to the fact that digging holes for 150 males would be insane and not very profitable to say the least.
If you are going to invest money in nutes, fox farm, pump, and or drip system.. I would not use bagseed. I would use a tried and true strain of which I have grown before and with which I am happy with. I would also think long and hard about using any kind of seed at all, except a few for "personal". I would run clones. simply due to the fact that digging holes for 150 males would be insane and not very profitable to say the least.
well said!

the russian man

Active Member
thanks guys but i allrady had the pump its in the about 30-40gallon tank of water and i was thinking of getting some seeds from nirvana but couple problems lol idk which strain i should do cuz my white widow got fucked over by miracle grow lsast time and i was thinking about 9 different strains here they are
white rhino
auro indica
hawaii maui waui
master kush
short rider
wonder woman
jack horro
so wat do you guys thinks i would prob buy 2-3 out of these and i will try keeping you guys posted and mabe even picks just add me as freind lol ima make another post pron lik a journal aight thanks also when should i plant the days are now (1 feb)2011 about 70-75s in mddday and about 45-55 at night :/ im waiting for night to get warmer
