flourescent versus hps


Active Member
I am a beginner at growing but am serious about having a nice crop. I am currently growing under 100 watt fluorescence for each plant cause I am taking over a set up that a friend started. My reading and studying tells me that wont grow big plants or buds and I am ready to invest and do this right. Any guidance is appreciated,

MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
Far as I know, fluorescents do a great job for vegetative growth. I used a fluoro/cfl combo for my vegetative. Soon as I went into flowering I switched to HPS. There are cheap HPS lights out there if you need one. HPS really helps make some dense buds. I wouldn't try to flower with them, personally, but go HPS.


Well-Known Member
Hps is a good idea iv used flos to grow before and the plant was small and buds were not every big i bought a hps and this is my first grow with it for flowering that is and i wouldnt use any but my hps ever again the buds are nice thick and plants are bushy.


Active Member
:leaf:Hey thanks. that helps. Everything I've read says hps is the way to go for dense buds, I just don't personally know anyone to ask who has hands on experience. I have already invested alot of time and I want to get on the right track here. thanks again