just goin through all my jars, making sure they are all in order!!, just filled 2 more jars with my new batch of outdoor erbs, man am i one happy chap today

nuthin to do, go a huge indoor plant growin and she absolutely stinks, and i got all these jars full of erbs, can someone help me ?? i cant smoke all this in a lifetime
I better goto the shop and buy a few more 5 litre jars! i think this indoor may fill a few.
here in the pics, the 2 jars that are light green is my new outdoor, the little jar on top with the bright red hairy hippie herb is my whats left of my last indoor batch, bout 1.5-2 oz i think, and the other little jar is good stuff gettin round (sample jar) and the big jar on the left thats multi-strain cocktails of all nice erbs i've kept over time.....all sorts