flower balls


Active Member
heya all im fairly new here and a fairly new grower im now onto my 3rd crop
on one of my plants it has started to get like tiny tiny yellowy lookin balls is this going to be a male or hermaphrodite? should i cut my losses and cut the plant? lol i have 4 plants in there and 2 of them are about a week away from being finished fingers crossed and other two are doing well appart from the ball thing cheers also can u see the attatched pic now 100 percent how to upload



Active Member
I agree with budski,(yes man) to blurry. I see what appears to be female, but if your seeing pods, it may have hermied and self pollinated and your pods are seeds.
well you gotta take a picure thats in focus for one. just back the camera off doesnt have to be so close.

best help i give you without a picture, is at time some plants can grow big receptacles from which the pistils will grow from, alot of the time people assume those plants have hermed because they mistake the large receptacle as a forming seed or pollen sack.

it is possible that it hermed though and the pollen sacks will start out as little bumps it would be a while before they can get big enough, a huge majority of the time plants that herm usually can never make it to the point of pollinating anyway.

just based on the way i can see the rest of that plant is forming, its most likely a hermy, a good female will always have a full crown of pistils a very easy way to tell one is going to end up hermed is by how spead out the pistils form. almost 90% of the time any plant ive had that gets very spread out and airy pistil formations usually herms but i still grow them out and honestly have never had them pollinate others. if the plant is small enough you can easily get tweezers and pick every little bump you find off, it can help force the plant over although it wont be as potent because you cant change it from being hermed but it will stop forming any other sacks usually once it notices how they have been removed, it will stop trying to grow more. always make sure to dip the tweezers in water, as water pretty much prevents it from speading or falling off in places you eye cant catch. so its a good measure if you just cant afford to lose the plant really.

its also could be bad genetics or even your lighting is too low as to why your pistils form so unevently but i dont know about all of what you use so ill spare that part.

if you have a lot of other better looking ladies just get rid of it, make some hash out of the trimmings and buds on it and enjoy. its not a total waste.


Active Member
hers another pic one of hopefully better pic and another of my little set up the plant im worried about in front right of the pic


Well-Known Member
Does not look too happy.. fan leaves are in pain... Is that Fan blowing on them too hard? its pointed RIGHT DOWN at them


Active Member
thank you for the information i may keep it for a little longer then as they are not clean pollun sacks or bannanas yet and the other 2 ladies in there are almost don
and the other one is at the same stage as the one im worried about is a bugger because it was of a clone from a female like the rest


Active Member
i need new fan it was pointing at light towards extractor but is making a loudish noise if i point it up that was started doing that today so had to play about with it
hopefully be buying a new fan tomo does light look right height? ive moved it up slightly got couple top leaves gon bit yellow :(
no offense by any means but you really need a lot of work, i cannot stand to see people trim away all the fan leaves like that, you dont realize how badly youre hurting your buds from forming properly and probably explains why i see your pistil formations are so lacking. the only time its necessary to remove fan leaves is when the plant starts getting so much foliage it cannot get any light in other spots besides the top canopy.

by no means do you ever remove all fan leaves though.. every fan leave connected to each node, gives energy to that bud forming there, you removing every fan leaf is definetely killing your plants performance and i know you can tell that alone as all your leaves are drooping and the plant seem a bit lifeless. if they had died and you removed them, you should be working on how to keep a plant healthy and not even worrying about hermies or even harvesting yet.

a heatlhy plant is key to having well produced buds, to me it seems your focusing on budding more than keeping a healthy plant and i can tell you first hand youll notice a huge difference when you work the other way around. health always comes first and is always the most important.

you really need to clean your area up also seriously, all those wires hanging everywhere im sure can be arranged better and dont need to be hanging in your plants like that doing nothing. as well as your light doesnt seem like its doing enough that high up. may i ask what kind of light you are using exactly? i can tell you only use the HPS dont you? its not a bad thing but when its not enough wattages your going to notice your plants stretching horribly for the light like yours are if its not close enough.

sigh third time you should be correcting all those mistakes, but ill let it slide. i just know know there is a reason why your plant is probably hermed is because the amount of stress you are putting it through. arent your buds super airy? i know they have to be.

the most important thing you need right now is to learn how to keep a healthy plant alive and well and not to trim like a maniac with a chainsaw, i know there are some people who go around thinking they can do that and stupidly do it everytime thinking its ok but there is reason why all you guys plants look the exact same. one user is infamous for killing some of the best genetics on the planet someone called Crush, on ICMAG.com, his plants look exactly like yours and everyone always tries to help the dude but he doesnt take anyone elses advice besides his own and he suffers for it, i dont want you to end up like him thinking its alright.

to me it seems like you need to learn a lot more before attempting to grow another plant, there are too many issues for me to point out right now, i can tell heat is an issue, lighting height, your excessive trimming, im assuming most those leaves probably died as to why they are missing so that leads me to believe you still havent dialed in things and are having a lot of trouble even keeping plants alive..

seeing the rest of all your plants, herming would be the last of my worries, id be worrying about how to keep them perfectly heatlhy throughout the whole grow first before anything.
Does not look too happy.. fan leaves are in pain... Is that Fan blowing on them too hard? its pointed RIGHT DOWN at them
there are no fan leaves they either died, from lack of proper feeding or too much and were cut off, or he sadly was given the misperception its ok to remove every fan leaf. for one only the bottom ones should really be removed as the plant ages. you topped them also which is even more stress added on top of the fact literally every fan leaf has been removed.


Active Member
thank you for your advise metamorphy yes i am a big amature and i do need to learn a lot and have taken in a lot of wot you are saying
the wires is normally tucked away i was having a move arround in there and the light is more hight because unfortunatlly my fan stopped working today the one to the
left of the light but it is normally facing up at the light blowing away the heat into the extractor and as for the fan leaves total big mistake on my behalf i dint
know the importance of having them and have been too mad with the trimming so i wont be doing that any more the two to the right will be left alone lol
but sometimes i am gettin higher tempatures than i should be it is only in a solid wardrobe i am growing how can i overcome this do i need a less hot light??
but that you for having the time to explain is all taken in :)