Flower cycle disrupted - fluctuating lights


Active Member
this is my first grow, i am growing 2 bubba kush and 2 sour diesels i got from the club. I am currently in the 2nd week of flowering, (the plants are budding, looking super healthy). I was using a time switch until recently it broke, so i have been giving 12/12 manually. Last night i went to turn off the lights to give 12 hours of darkness and i thought everything was good, but this morning when i went into the room i discovered that my light was infact not off, it was fluctuating on and off. So i looked on the hps, and the switch was kinda stuck between on and off so i am assuming that the hps was going on and off for the whole 12 hours the plants were supposed to be getting darkness. My question is, are the plants ruined?


Well-Known Member
No just get it back on it's schedule,worst case scenario one of your plants might hermie but if it was only one night I doubt it.Funny thing something similar happened to me just this last light cycle the manual on switch got stuck and my plants received a couple of extra hours,not the first time cheap timers go out sometimes.Tonight I'm gonna fork up the extra 10 bucks for the better one goodluck!!


Active Member
Thx bro they are back on schedule now. However, i just noticed that the leaves of the 2 bubba plants are curling downwards, only on top of the plant though.. Is it stress from the disrupted cycle? They are currently 12 inches away from the hps